
Search results

  1. Jester560

    Back-Up Bear Gun: Rock Island Armory TAC Ultra FS 10mm Pistol

    I am a 10mm whore but will rely on my 454 when I go bear hunting.
  2. Jester560

    Factory Ammo vs. Reloads: Which Is Best?

    I reload so I can tailor the ammo to the individual gun.
  3. Jester560

    Well well well, look who is back

    Another nail in the CNN coffin.
  4. Jester560

    What are you doing right now??

    Finished up the 50 rounds of 454.
  5. Jester560

    What are you doing right now??

    Starts processing a other 50 pieces of 454 brass.
  6. Jester560

    Idiots Rule

    Can't fix stupid.
  7. Jester560

    Not been around much lately...

    I haven't been very active for the last couple months as I have been getting myself squared away. With help from the proper professionals, I am in a much better place. I will try to be more active and hopefully share some good material.
  8. Jester560

    Best gun oil?

    All I use is Lucas Extreme and its never let me down.
  9. Jester560

    Harley went "WOKE"

    Fixed it for you
  10. Jester560

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Bought 1500 9mm 137gr bullets from Brass Monkey Bullets.
  11. Jester560

    Say Hey Kid has passed

    A true legend. R.I.P. good Sir!
  12. Jester560

    Need good thoughts and prayers please

    Thanks all! Wife is improving daily. Pick up the pup after the funeral today.
  13. Jester560

    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    Yes!! It is tired and needs to be put out to pasture.
  14. Jester560

    What are you doing right now??

    I'm Pulling my hair out....
  15. Jester560

    We are not alone…..

  16. Jester560

    Need good thoughts and prayers please

    It has been a trying g couple weeks. First, the wife unit broke her leg in 3 place and tore 2 ligaments in her ankle. Second, the wife had surgery to fix her leg and ankle. Third, a hospice nurse for my mother in law ran over my dog breaking his leg in multiple places requiring surgery this...
  17. Jester560

    Chuck Norris

  18. Jester560

    Measuring Shooting Skill: Are You Above Average?

    All I can say is 🤣
  19. Jester560

    Biden Admin Proposes Controversial 2025 Tax Hike for white people only

    Sooner or later we will have to stand up and say no more.
  20. Jester560

    What are you doing right now??

    Babysitting the wife today. She had surgery to repair her leg and ankle. Going to be a long week for her.