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  1. The Night Rider

    How Close Is To Close?

    It really hasn't been an issue since I retired. As was leaving the gym the other day walking towards my car I saw a guy in the parking lot obviously angling to intercept me. I want to clarify that he went a long way out of his way to intercept me. That's an indicator to me. I put my hand on...
  2. The Night Rider

    How Close Is To Close?

    So, to clarify you're shooting at a target with your hand on the target?
  3. The Night Rider

    Missing, most likely stolen

    I'm very sorry for your loss
  4. The Night Rider

    $2,700 each for tail-lights?

    There is currently an "epidemic" in Colorado Springs of people's stealing Kias and driving them into gun shops and vape shops and maybe pawn shops and then burglarizing the shop.
  5. The Night Rider

    Never bring a toy gun to a gun fight

    Why does the media always feel the need to specify the gun was loaded?
  6. The Night Rider

    NOT my cat, but it acts like it is

    She's back on the blanket
  7. The Night Rider

    Control Your Battle Space

    I am a firm believer that the only real way to learn situation awareness is to be placed in a situation where situational awareness is a critical survival skill. I also don't believe you can increase or decrease your situational awareness depending on circumstances. You either are...
  8. The Night Rider

    Missing, most likely stolen

    Here's a thought, just spitballing here but maybe don't let them run loose.
  9. The Night Rider

    Another EO by President Biden

    Does anybody here remember Project Exile? In 1997 Richmond Virginia started prosecuting gun crimes in Federal Court and the Federal Court sentenced people to a mandatory minimum five years in federal prison. If I understand correctly they were also prosecuting Prohibited Peesons Federaly and...
  10. The Night Rider

    Will Your Mags Fail You?

  11. The Night Rider

    Will Your Mags Fail You?

    If you got a defective magazine you're better off throwing it your range bag. Good way to practice malfunction drills
  12. The Night Rider

    Woman caught plotting to attack Baltimore power grid

    My favorite place to check was a water pump station 30 minutes from the city limits. It was so far out in El Paso County that there were no man-made lights anywhere on the horizon. I would start heading out there at 1:45 and get there at about after 20 after 2. it took 30 minutes to check the...
  13. The Night Rider

    Woman caught plotting to attack Baltimore power grid

    Cut through that fence and try to walk across the compound without getting zapped. I used to do security on substations I drove around Colorado Springs checking the fencelines and gates of various Substations. It was one of the best assignments I ever had. No one ever f****d with me and I...
  14. The Night Rider

    Woman caught plotting to attack Baltimore power grid

    On August 10 a Filbert tree branch contacted a power line and shorted it out in Eugene Oregon. That was part of a chain reaction that took out 8 states including Colorado. The way it was explained to me One "generation unit" went out and that put an overload on the next generation unit and it...
  15. The Night Rider

    One heck of a sale at Target

    How in the hell does an 8-year-old see over the dash and reach the pedals at the same time?
  16. The Night Rider

    Mattel M16 Rifle

    I saw a Rock-Ola at Rampart Range in Colorado Springs. I didn't get to shoot it
  17. The Night Rider

    Stun gun - worth the carrying?

    When I was working I watched the cops Taze people twice. In both cases the prongs bounced off the persons clothes and the cops had to contact stun the guy. I would only carry a stung gun if my employer required it and I would never bother using it
  18. The Night Rider

    Mattel M16 Rifle

    I had one Colt and a Harrington Richard's. I don't remember what the National Guard issued me. I don't believe the "Mattel story"