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  1. S

    New Gun on the Way

    Have a Tisas Yukon c10 arriving at the end of the week. I know nothing about this brand so any thoughts, comments would be appreciated.
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    Range Report 11/15/23

    As I have started to get back to normal I have been going to the range and shooting 100 - 200 rounds. This week I took my Garrison, Professional (both 9mm) and my new M&P subcompact. The weather was great and enjoyed being outside. First shot the subcompact using the 12rnd pinky mag then the...
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    Finally Got to the Range

    It was very brief but totally enjoyable. I was fortunate enough to get a M&P 5.6 10mm for my birthday and fired a whopping 30 rounds. Hit what I was looking at so all was good Shots were from 7& 10 yards
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    Changed out my EMP grips to Black VZ's with slightly with flushed screws. The grips look slightly different than the originals Tucker Slide Versa Carry Arma (My Most Common)
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    Back at Home

    Recently went through an illness that landed me in the hospital so haven't been posting or reading. Was released this weekend and feeling better each day. Watched 5 people leave ICU in body bags which was shocking but also put me in a different spiritual awareness. What I have realized is that...
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    S&W Competitor

    Picked one up last Friday and took it to the range Saturday. I ran 150 rounds without incident. The craftsmanship, sights, and trigger were fine out of the box. The trigger break was within the advertised 4.25lb. A Holosun HE507C-GRx2 was put on yesterday with a range trip Tuesday. Looking...
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    Follow Up on Black Arch Holster Protos M

    After not being very impressed with this holster in the beginning my opinion has changed. I carry my Hellcat Pro with Optic in this holster and love it. After a slightly longish break in period this holster has become very comfortable and rides extremely well with jeans or shorts. Very glad I...
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    Cooler Weather

    Due to recent cooler weather I've recently been able to carry this in my Tucker Gunleather that recently arrived.
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    Macular Degeneration

    My mom dealt with this for the last 31 years of life and was diagnosed before any of the newer treatments were available. I was officially diagnosed with wet in my left eye on 1/5/2023 and scheduled for shots starting in 2 weeks. Can anyone offer any experiences on the effectiveness of the...
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    Black Arch Holster

    I purchased one after reading the review here. Looked fine with vented back padding and kydex holster. Dropped the Pro in and took off and after a short time it started to feel as if I had a dictionary on my hip. I have tightened and adjusted height multiple times and can not get past the very...
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    How do you spend Christmas Eve

    For the wife and I Christmas Eve has changed drastically over the last years. We used to spend Christmas Eve scurrying about making sure we had the requested presents, the small items for the stockings, waiting on the Chili to finish, and any last minute meal prep for Christmas. After opening...
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    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone & Families

    Reflect on your blessings, be thankful, help others when you can, and enjoy the day.
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    Hellcat Pro Trigger (not giving up)

    Purchased a Pro about 2/3 weeks ago and loved everything about the gun. Mounted a Holosun 507K on and was eager to hit the range. I then fired my first 6 rounds,I must say the trigger was horrible. Take up was forever long and hit a wall that was near impossible to squeeze to shoot followed with...
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    Optic (HOLOSUN HS507K-X2) for my new Hellcat Pro

    Not really familiar with optics since I have never been a DOT fan. I have decided to force myself (might be to harsh) to use one on my new Pro. I am looking for thoughts and experiences with this optic. I will also be ordering the plate. Thanks for any information
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    Smith and Wesson M&P Metal

    Bought one on Friday and went to the range yesterday. Ran 300 rounds without issue and have zero complaints. I thought the gun operated very smooth and accuracy was a + for me. I personally like the look. After a short range trip I am very happy.
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    The Muddy River flowed to my house again

    Had these arrive today to carry my Shield Plus and Hellcat. Been very impressed with their OWB Kydex holsters. I have used my 4" 1911 since it arrived. For the sturdy wide look I was impressed with the way my holster pulled to my side and concealed very well. I had never heard of this holster...
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    Remembrance today for those that were lost, families that carry the grief and loss with them, and an event that forever changed our country and world view.
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    New Holster

    After seeing a few posts and pictures of Muddy River Tactical holsters I decided to order one for my Commander. Holster arrived earlier and I'm very pleased with the look and craftsmanship of the holster. I will be putting it to use tomorrow.
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    O Henry .45 70

    Picked this up today and will be trying it tomorrow. Will be adding this later Also thinking of just a Red Dot
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    Range Report 8/17/2022

    Got settled in the covered rest area and started loading Garrison 9mm Professional 1st shot center plate 2nd center neck 3rd outside bottom right and had 3 WTH didn't hit steel... Typically tighter...Very poor for this gun Garrison 9mm completion 12 / 15 / 20 and even though I got a few...