
Search results

  1. HansGruber

    7.62x39 AUG

    Looks like Steyr USA is dropping an 7.62x39 AUG…and also sounds like there will be a conversion kit. I’d be in. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/new-steyr-aug-in-7-62x39mm-enforce-tac-2025-44819407
  2. HansGruber

    New VP9 models…

    Introducing the VP9A1, in K and F models. The K doesn’t do anything for me, but I can see an F in my future… https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/new-h-k-vp9-a1-vs-original-vp9-whats-new-and-is-it-better-44817961
  3. HansGruber

    Ukraine takes out Russian general…

    In Moscow. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c4gx6p347dgt Those E-scooters are deadly…
  4. HansGruber

    Ho-ho-ho…now you can have John McClane’s holster too…

    https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/ho-ho-ho-now-you-can-have-the-die-hard-holster-too-44817268 I won’t be getting one for obvious reasons…
  5. HansGruber

    Really officer—it’s not full of drugs…

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/oregon-police-portland-drugs-bag?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1aCblZTpJOhvvq5lIQQZ_f7OYiYXTKhZ0rkc7oiWKJWBmG3dF61UnjoB0_aem_8EjHeeBVTc5DneVz7bo81w Sweet, delicious irony.
  6. HansGruber

    Retail therapy (WARNING: Explicit Wilson Combat content!)

    Got off work at 7:00 this morning, then drove over an hour to an endodontist appointment to find out I DON’T need a third root canal on the same tooth… I just need to get it pulled. Which is gonna cause a whole lot of other issues (there’s a bridge involved), but…that’s what insurance is for...
  7. HansGruber

    Shut up and take my money.

    The P7 is coming back. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/p7pro-the-legendary-p7-reborn-in-the-usa-44816305 RDS cuts? Yup. Rail? Yup. Only an 8 round, but I can live with that.
  8. HansGruber

    James Earl Jones; 1931-2024

    https://variety.com/2024/film/news/james-earl-jones-dead-darth-vader-lion-king-1236138656/ What a prolific career. May his memory be a blessing.
  9. HansGruber

    RIA’s new lever action .22

    https://www.armscor.com/firearms-list/tm22-la-20 I kinda like this. At $350 MSRP, I can likely get it for under $300 OTD… I like the idea of a box-fed lever with a threaded barrel for suppression; a traditional tube-fed .22 lever needs the can removed in order to load…this just makes a ton of...
  10. HansGruber

    Trying to catch up to Bassbob…

    I like bullpups; kinda wanted a bullpup shotgun for a while…but beyond a Tavor-12, nothing really gets me excited. I also like .410’s; always have, I think they’re incredibly handy and are a lot more capable than people give them credit for. So…when my dealer had a .410 Bullpup on his shelf…it...
  11. HansGruber

    Aerial Skeet Shooting?

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/07/08/ukraine-is-mobilizing-more-propeller-planes-to-shoot-down-russian-drones-world-war-i-style/ Shooting drones from an airplane, using a shotgun. Next thing you know, there’s gonna be a beagle wearing goggles…
  12. HansGruber

    Got some HK gear…

    So, stopped by one of my local guys; seems the HK rep had been through there, gave them a bunch of HK gear… Get a case and a towel (always know where your towel is!)… Couldn’t resist the coozie… Even got a $100 gift card to the HK store (not pictured). They were kinda expensive, I...
  13. HansGruber

    Mossberg 590… .410

    I want one. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/gun-review-mossberg-410-590-shotgun-review/
  14. HansGruber

    New year…new gun.

    Went by the local place after lunch today, just looking (famous last words). Played with a Girsan MC14T—I like it; on the short list. Played with a Canik Mete subcompact…this is a very nice pistol, and if I was looking for a micro 9, it would be short listed, over an Sig P365 or Hellcat...
  15. HansGruber

    The unobtanium Glock is now available…

    The G25–a 15rd, doublestack .380 never available outside of LE/M in the US is finally for sale. https://www.guns.com/news/2023/12/15/unobtanium-achieved-the-rare-glock-25-380-is-now-on-the-us-market AIM has them for $500…
  16. HansGruber

    Words fail.

    Seriously…I got nothin’.
  17. HansGruber

    Well, that was quick.

    So, I was talkin’ with @Bassbob in the used gun thread, saying I was going to do a gun shop circuit… 45 minutes later, give or take, I’m filling out a 4473. Walked into my local guy, nothing struck my fancy…and then someone else walked in, and had a trade-in. Nice blue S&W case. Opens...
  18. HansGruber

    Non-gov’t firearm exports halted

    https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-halts-exports-most-civilian-firearms-90-days-2023-10-27/ Hmm. Supplies should go up here in the US, then…
  19. HansGruber

    Consolation prize…

    I was kinda bummed; I was supposed to go pheasant hunting this weekend with a buddy, but…the weather is absolute crap. Rain (and a little snow this morning), 30mph wind, and a windchill (currently) of 17°…no fun. And tomorrow will be worse. So…I decided to swing by a few gun stores; second...
  20. HansGruber

    Need more firepower?

    Launch a rifle grenade with your 20”Hellion… https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2023/10/19/launching-a-rifle-grenade-with-the-20-hellion/ Now I know I need one.