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  1. W

    Because I Suck & They Hate Me

    So after I bought the HK USP last week, I ordered an HK P30L variant 3 and she came in today. I always wanted one of these too. I guess I had seen John Wick one too many times.
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    New Purchase Went Old School

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    New Addition

    New Walther full sized PDP. Got a really good price on it. I just may venture into red dots with this one. I can't remember who here has one. If you do can you give me any opinions on it please / Thanks...
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    Anyone here heard of this company or use any of their products? I keep seeing advertisements and also getting emails from them ? Any input would be appreciated.
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    Words or Phrases From Your Part of America

    What are some words or phrases from your part of America ? My favorite was gala-vanting. Like when I was a kid and would come inside late and my Parents would ask "Where were you ? out gala-vanting.
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    And the watch collection is getting bigger

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    Anyone ever use SOG Knives ? I carry a Gerber, Crkt or Benchmade pocket knife everyday. At work I usually have at least 2 on me at all times. Still waiting for the 2 Benchmades I just ordered last week to arrive. Anyways in the mean time I just heard about SOG and their products. Any information...
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    New Addition

    Just picked up the new HK CC9.
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    Hellcat Factory Magazines Question

    Just took notice of 2 factory Hellcat 13 round magazines. I never used them as of yet but noticed on the rear of the mags there is a black tab I am assuming the bottom of the base plate that comes out and goes up to the witness holes marked on the mags. Since I never used these magazines before...
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    Post Your Funny Tee Shirts

    Post your funny or wacky tees
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    What Next ?

    Just saw a news story about people being upset because there's a 26 foot high statue of Marilyn Monroe in Palm Springs at the entrance to a park in her iconic pose from the movie The Seven Year Itch. Apparently some people are upset because from behind you can see she's wearing white underwear...
  12. W

    New Addition

    After therapy stopped in the local gun shop and found this. New production Sig Sauer P226 40th Anniversary so after checking it out, it came home with me. Hopefully I'll heal up and get back to normal soon so I can actually take her out and put some lead down range.
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    Has anyone here ever purchased a gun through them ? I was browsing their "site" and found a few that peaked my interests.
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    Early Morning Fun

    Glock model 45 9mm at 25 yards
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    Chuck Norris

    I'm sure you've all heard and seen the Uncle Chuck memes. What's your favorite ? Mine is The Boogeyman checks under his bed for Chuck Norris....
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    Good Week Turning Into Bad Week

    So yesterday I get the results back . 12 of us took promotional tests for Sergeant. Five of us myself included passed. Possibility of 3 positions available. I have a lot of support pushing me namely my Chief and Patrol Supervisor Captain. Wife calls a little more than halfway through my tour...
  17. W

    Range Trip Ruined

    So I pack up my gear and guns and head up to the range. Brought 3 new guns with me I never shot as of yet. 8 am and already packed. So I sat in my truck sipping coffee and started watching for a bit and after what I was seeing I did not feel like being at the local PD being a witness to the...
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    Little Bit of ME Time

    Had a little bit of time before the Wife decides to take me to yet another craft fair. 25 yards with the Sig 365 and a few shots with the FN Reflex
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    HAPPY EASTER to all my friends here and to your families as well. May all of you enjoy the day today. Me, I'm pushing a black and white around all day. I decided to work the day watch so my colleagues with small children can enjoy the day.
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    My Stainless Python Needed Company

    When I found out Colt was releasing the Python in 'blue" I knew I wanted one so asked my LGS to get me one, it came in today so here she is. My stainless Python needed a companion