
Search results

  1. javbike

    Wilson combat oil

    I know this has been debated a lot and everyone has a different opinion just read thru this article I happen to use Wilson lite oil and action oil https://americanhandgunner.com/discover/gunsmithing-gun-oil-crud-and-parts/
  2. javbike

    Beretta thru the years

    Good article on long history of beretta always been a fan https://americanhandgunner.com/handguns/beretta-pistols-through-the-ages/
  3. javbike

    Smith and Wesson K22

    I have to quit shopping at guns shops this followed me home today
  4. javbike

    Steve McQueen and Keith Moon

    https://americanhandgunner.com/discover/steve-mcqueen-vs-keith-moon/ Very interesting read on the two people I didn’t know this
  5. javbike

    Different frames from S/W

    https://americanhandgunner.com/handguns/j-k-l-n-m-e-i-e-i-o-demystifying-all-those-sw-frame-types/ Good read a little history on the different frames from Smith and Wesson
  6. javbike

    HK P2000 compact

    So I just ordered a HK P2000 compact for myself I am turning 70 it’s my birthday present to myself and thanks to Hans for the help to decide on which one pictures when I pick it up . So Happy Birthday to me ha ha 😆
  7. javbike

    Guns of Alcatraz

    https://americanhandgunner.com/discover/guns-of-alcatraz-2/ Interesting read on the guards guns they use a 22lr round not to kill the prisoners but only to wound them
  8. javbike

    Merry Christmas y’all

    Keep your families warm and safe and have a wonderful Christmas everyone Merry Christmas!!!
  9. javbike

    New CZ

    https://cz-usa.com/product/cz-p-09-c-nocturne/ I am very interested in this price right and I am a big fan of CZ
  10. javbike

    Poly or steel

    https://americanhandgunner.com/handguns/walther-steel-pdp-match/ What is your choice ?
  11. javbike

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

    Be safe in your travels and love you family
  12. javbike

    Hot brass

    https://gunsmagazine.com/our-experts/its-the-hot-brass-boogie/ I have scars on my right upper arms from 22lr brass
  13. javbike

    J frames forever

    https://americanhandgunner.com/discover/mighty-j-frame/ These guys are always be around
  14. javbike

    New hi point

    https://www.gunsamerica.com/digest/hi-point-introduces-the-995p-1095p-and-4595p-pistols/ This is for belt fed
  15. javbike

    Good for the Hawaii police

    https://www.usacarry.com/no-charges-filed-against-hawaii-man-who-shot-suspect-on-front-loader-after-ramming-cars-and-killing-three/?utm_source=emailoctopus&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%2010%2F9%2F24 Good article good guys wins
  16. javbike

    J frame forever

    https://americanhandgunner.com/discover/mighty-j-frame/ Good article on the history of the j frame. I think everyone should have one
  17. javbike

    21 not 22lr ?

    https://www.americanrifleman.org/content/winchester-s-new-21-sharp-cartridge/ I don’t know looks real nice like center fire cartridge
  18. javbike

    Henry 10 shot 22lr

    https://www.henryusa.com/handguns/golden-boy-revolver/?utm_source=Henry+Repeating+Arms+Consumers&utm_campaign=4e091483c1-New+Models+September+2&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-4cb334ad0f-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D&mc_cid=4e091483c1&mc_eid=b7e5af267d I think for the price I would get a smith and Wesson
  19. javbike

    What a idiot

    https://nypost.com/2024/09/05/us-news/dad-of-alleged-ga-school-shooter-colt-gray-arrested-hit-with-murder-and-manslaughter-charges-officials/ You can’t fix stupid wow what shame
  20. javbike

    Winchester white box

    The 380 is on sale you guys had any luck with this ammo it’s a good price