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  1. Marek71

    Classic 1911 Leather GI Holsters from 1791: M1916 and an M3 Tanker

    I have a few 1791 holsters both IWB and OWB, really nice quality stuff.
  2. Marek71

    New Addition

    I've always liked Walther pistols, they just feel great in the hand.
  3. Marek71

    🎄Merry Christmas 2024🎄

    🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄
  4. Marek71

    Tenicor Now Making Velo5 for Hellcat and Pro

    I'm a big fan of leather or a hybrid type for IWB for the comfort. For OWB I like the click and reholstering ability of kydex.
  5. Marek71

    Trump wins!

  6. Marek71

    Cant wait for Wednesday

  7. Marek71


    I love 22s also they're fun to shoot and they don't break the bank. I have a Marlin 60 I bought 25 years ago at Kmart and it's a great gun eats everything doesn't jam 25 years and keeps on going.
  8. Marek71

    Mark Cuban says women supporting Trump are not "strong and intelligent"

    They're desperation is really showing their whole campaign is now about attacking Trump that didn't work so they started attacking his supporters that didn't work so now they're focusing on just the women. I can't wait for November 5th when Kamala goes back to San Francisco and Tim goes back to...
  9. Marek71

    Tennessee locals rebuilt bridge with semi-trailers instead of waiting for help

    When all the money goes to the Ukraine you have to fend for yourself.
  10. Marek71

    New Gun Day! Well, Yesterday 😂!

    I like that gun a lot and was ready to buy one the only thing that held be back is the grip is a little too thin for my hands. I love the sights and the look of the Emissary.
  11. Marek71

    True Precision Accessories for Hellcat Pro

    I also carry a HCP and I'm a big fan of keeping my carry gun stock. It's been super dependable and accurate and I love the gun. I prefer adding the $900 to the cost of a nice 1911.
  12. Marek71

    The Ultimate Fudd! Tim Walz's EPIC Gun Fail

    Maybe he should enlist some of those Venezuelans to help him with his gun handling skills. All the videos I've seen they seem pretty proficient.
  13. Marek71

    Wifes bedside Jframe

    Can't go wrong with a S&W revolver.
  14. Marek71

    3rd time is NOT the charm - another one caught by Sheriff attempting to get near Pres Trump

    He needs to stay alive and win this thing then flush the system.
  15. Marek71

    Loose ejector.

    We don't need to qualify with our carry guns either I carry a Hellcat Pro I qualified with a Staccato. Shooting that gun is like using a cheat code in a video game why add stress to myself. Didn't get me wrong I can qualify with the HCP but the Staccato makes me feel like John Wick 😁
  16. Marek71


    I remember watching this back in the day
  17. Marek71


    Haha I remember that, we would look for the parental warning label and know that it's a good record to buy. Man that brought back some memories 👍
  18. Marek71

    Kamala's Gun

    She doesn't own any gun I wish he followed up and asked her what the caliber was she probably would have said 12 gauge.