
Search results

  1. greywolf1961

    Can a Micro 1911 Go Long Range?

    No reason to think you couldn't hit the target at 100 yards. I have 4 EMPs. The 9mm from 7 years ago, 40S&W, The CCC (Conceal Carry Contour) with a 4" barrel and the Ronin EMP 4". I fired 100 rounds in the 9mm EMP at 25 yards and was able to cover the entire group with my fist. You can see...
  2. greywolf1961

    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    Since you mentioned armor. It makes me wonder how my German .308 rounds will do. They are not brass FMJ. They are steel tipped FMJ. Yes, it is harder on the barrel, but they would also have better penetration.
  3. greywolf1961

    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    Why would anybody give a warning shot? That just gives away your position. When you fire the first shot you should act as if you were a sniper. Well aimed, well timed and accurate.
  4. greywolf1961

    Finally got to shoot today

    I used to use SGAmmo a lot, but Sam hasn't come down on his prices like I would want. He still charts 45 cents a round when I can get it from other sources for 35 cents. For 9mm, he is still charging as about 28 cents a round when I can get it for 16 cents a round. Check out AmmoSeek.com for...
  5. greywolf1961

    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    Assuming I use the AR15, and assuming I don't want to use 5,56, I would go with 7.62x39 as a reasonable caliber. I have about 5000 of those little pills. They are still fairly easy to find. They Are not much heavier. I can always have a friend with an AK47 come along and still be single...
  6. greywolf1961

    Ayoob: Is There a 9mm 1911 Problem?

    Did you ever do a range report? I've had the EMP3 9mm for 6 years, an EMP3 40S&W and EMP4 CCC 9mm for 3 years and the REMP4 about 18 months. I will have to say that, to me, the REMP shots much nicer than the others do. I'll have to do a side-by-side range comparison for all 4 of them at some...
  7. greywolf1961

    First Look: SAINT Victor 9mm Carbine

    In other words, follow what Ruger did with their 9mm PC Carbine. It arrives with the Ruger Security 9 magazine well in it, but with the supplied allen wrench, you remove the magazine well and insert the supplied Glock 9mm magazine well. Pick and choose what you want.
  8. greywolf1961

    First Look: SAINT Victor 9mm Carbine

    My SAINT 308 and SAINT 5.56 rifles have a little brother. The SAINT 5.56 pistol.
  9. greywolf1961

    My Hellcat day at the range

    It pays to do business locally and to show respect to the business owners and employees. Had a reliability job and trigger job on 3 1911s (resulted in triggers with 3lb 2oz pulls) while living in California. The normal price was $250 for a single gun. The smith did all 3 for $350. He gave me...
  10. greywolf1961

    Oregon Measure 114 – Magazine Bans, Registries, and State Police

    The voting on, and passing of, Bill 114 shows that the majority of voters do not fully understand what the bills are about. When tyrannical governments want to pass a law that they know is unconstitutional, or just plain stupid, they will write the synopsis of the bill in such a way that most...
  11. greywolf1961

    Oregon Measure 114 – Magazine Bans, Registries, and State Police

    Isn't it interesting that the bill was slated to go into effect on the 81st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor? One of the greatest assaults on American liberty takes place on the anniversary of one of the greatest attacks on the American People. There was a news video where they said...
  12. greywolf1961

    Can a .308 with a Red Dot Hit at 500 Yards?

    I don't know why they wouldn't work at 500 yards or more. If you can hit with the iron sights, then you can hit with the dot sights. The trajectory doesn't change and neither do the ballistics. Distance is distance. It is all according to you lining up the sights correctly and controlling the...
  13. greywolf1961

    First Look: SAINT Victor 9mm Carbine

    Maybe they could do one in .357 Magnum. PCC and Pistol. Give my Coonan a friend to play with.
  14. greywolf1961

    First Look: SAINT Victor 9mm Carbine

    grabagun is selling it for $1119...
  15. greywolf1961

    First Look: SAINT Victor 9mm Carbine

    In my opinion, SA made a huge error in using the Colt SMG magazines. They are more difficult to find and not compatible with any other firearm. This would have been a much more desirable carbine if they had configured it to use XD magazines. Even Glock magazines would have been better, but...
  16. greywolf1961

    Handguns for Bear Defense: Will Any of Them Stop the Threat?

    "The bear had no prior interactions with humans." They checked his contact list. All contacts were of the 4-legged variety.
  17. greywolf1961

    Handguns for Bear Defense: Will Any of Them Stop the Threat?

    I would tend to agree with you. For handgun, it would be the XDM 10mm with 5" barrel and 2 magazines. If it was long gun I would go with my Henry 45-70 spouting a 405 grain lead cast.
  18. greywolf1961

    Handguns for Bear Defense: Will Any of Them Stop the Threat?

    If he was using the red dot, you should be able to match him.
  19. greywolf1961

    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    A1 and A2 for me 80 - 89. The only drawback is the 20"-barrel length. The 16" is much more manageable and lighter. Put a good red dot on it and you can hit 6" targets at 300 - 400 yards all day. I put a Holosun on my SAINT and was hitting an 8" plate at 500 yards so consistently that I had...
  20. greywolf1961

    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    I love both, the AR15 and the M1A. Come to think of it, I love most rifles. I agree on the thoughts that you have concerning weight, which was part of the reason the services went from the M14 to the M16. Lighter weight rifle, greater maneuverability, easier to control, and the ability of...