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  1. 2

    Compact Echelon?

    I agree, the Hellcat Pro is in a different class of its own, not better or worse than a hypothetical Compact Echelon, but different. I really think there's a market for a compact Echelon for EDC carriers with bigger hands, such as myself.
  2. 2

    Compact Echelon?

    In principle sure, the Hellcat Pro is Springfield's de facto competitor to the Glock 19. But there's a reason it is so 'snappy' according to many Youtube reviews I've watched. The handle is so thin, that it is difficult to control when firing, particularly if you have large hands. One hand...
  3. 2

    Compact Echelon?

    I have a question for the group. Does anyone in this community know if Springfield has plans on developing a compact version of the Springfield Echelon? What I want is an Echelon but in a compact, 15-round model, which IMO would be ideal for Concealed carry. In other words, a direct...