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    Bear Attacks Man, Saved By Neighbor with a 45 ACP Pistol

    Yeah, I see that-:) phone pic? We get them in our yard from time to time- one scared the Old Woman when she drove up one night- it was on the back porch and "woofed" at her- she thought it was a big dog! I used to hunt black bears and learned to respect their size and agile musculature. 12 ga...
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    Bear Attacks Man, Saved By Neighbor with a 45 ACP Pistol

    ABSOLUTELY! Have you fellows ever seen a bear in the wild? VERY muscular and faster moving than one would think. I've shot black bears with 12ga slugs and wouldnt want to hafta use a pistol especially a 9mm. I know it has reportedly been done but I'm not sure I can believe that.
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    Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

    Constitutional carry should be the law; issuance of a (non-required) permit should follow a training session, which would make interstate reciprocity while traveling possible.🤠 I would further add that Constitutional carry should include bowie and other knives on the person, concealed or open...
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    Who Carries Old Guns?

    I don't carry my good stuff, i.e. 1911's, BHP's, Python, stuff like that. Old Ruger 9mm's work as well as any of the newer stuff... If serious comes to whack 'um, they're gonna get whatever I've got at the time. These days likely a G19gen5, or a Bulgie Mak, or else the ubiquitous S&W .38. I tend...
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    Are You Prepared to Handle a Fentanyl Overdose?

    No, we are not. Wouldnt know where to begin with that... My First Responder cert lapsed when I retired and my wife's lapsed when she retired also..
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    Bono threatens....

    Let me start the engine for him. Jerk.
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    When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

    At this time, usually a gen5 G19... lightweight, concealable, and capable of hard hits depending on ammo used. Frankly, however, altho I own a couple and have for years, I'm getting tired of the whole "glock thing". Never been comfortable with the lack of a safety. Sometimes a S&W 411 in .40S&W...
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    Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

    Driving, operating a motor vehicle on public roads- is a privilege, not a right, so they tell us. The RTK&BA is an ENUMERATED pre-existing RIGHT. That right inheres in the individual, not in the state or any paper or law.
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    Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

    The US Constitution is VERY explicit- "The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED".. a lot of people, in and out of government have forgotten- or never knew what "right", "keep and bear" and "infringed" meant to the Framers and those who ratified the Constitution in the...
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    Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

    Well said! (y)
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    Why Every Handgun Owner Should Own a Pistol Caliber Carbine

    The nice thing about a HiPoint is, after a shoot, when the popo confiscate your weapon, they arent taking much. Like my Browning HP, 1911, or even a Glock. That said, in the unlikely case of home invasion, I'm ready to let fly with an AR, Mossie 500, or one 9mm or another. Apparently gangs of...
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    When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

    Glock 19 gen 5, OR S&W .38spec, 2" mod 36..........
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    Reasons for Concealed Carry: My Interview with a Psychopath

    Rose Kennedy wasn't "mistreated" (your quotation marks), she was lobotomized at age 23- supposedly without her family's consent- for acting up in the mental institution she was sent to by Joe Kennedy. The real story has been covered up by the family for decades- their right to privacy of course.
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    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    I like a hammer. And a decocker w/double action availability when possible. However, the single action "cocked and locked" over a loaded chamber works for me as well. I really do not like or really trust these new-style no-safety designs based on the Glock- as accidents-in-waiting. Deal with the...
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Best wishes for a full recovery... 😻 Been there...
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Ammo, more AMMO! 🤠 No gun, no fun, no ammo, no blammo!
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    Should You Hunt with an AK-47?

    Well... I have some 5-round magazines for the AK, so I COULD hunt with an AK. It wouldn't be my first choice deer rifle, but it could be done, especially if the rifle was glassed. An SKS would actually be my first choice- semi-auto, longer barrel so higher velocity and sighting radius.. scoped...
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    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    Unless he is stricken with some debilitating disease{God forbid!} I look for Mas to die with his boots on, doing what he does best... Shooting and writing...
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    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    So is every other large metropolitan area! Fast becoming turd-world schittholes... sad to say. I remember when USA America was GREAT, both at home and abroad.
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    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    Retire it! In all it's forms! And all your 1911's are belonga MEEEE!!!😈