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  1. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    Is this stuff safe for chrome-lined bores?
  2. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    Yes, I am aware of the limitations of Gun Scrubber. Of course for the bore I use solvent: Shooter’s Choice MC #7 to be exact. Stinks like hell but very, very effective. And you just completed describing my initial problem, in that yes, I was using Breakfree CLP. I don’t own any polymer...
  3. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    I use CLP as the lube. I use it on all of my firearms and it works great. (Well, not necessarily “all”. I have a Mauser 98K on which I use Ballistol. I might start using Ballistol more; I rather like it.) So yes, I clean up the slide generally with Gun Scrubber, but use CLP to clean and...
  4. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    Um, no. As I described earlier, the issue was that the CLP was gumming up the works and when I switched to Gun Scrubber for the slide, my feeding problem disappeared. As I also said earlier, I’ve probably got 2000 rounds through my 911 since then with virtually no malfunctions at all. So I...
  5. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    Not necessarily CLP, but any oil based multipurpose cleaner/lubricant. There are many others (e.g., Ballistol). I haven’t done any polls but that’s what I was using on my 911 slide, and when I switched to Gun Scrubber, the feeding issues that I was experiencing - and that many other people...
  6. R

    Springfield 911 380 feed failure

    I have the original version of the 911, got it the first year they came out back in 2018, six years ago right about now. Mine had an initial break-in period of about 300 rounds. My biggest problem was failure to completely go into battery after not that many rounds. Sometimes it would...