
Search results

  1. Arthur Shelby

    Is nobody talking about Peak Alloy!?

    Searched the whole site for "peak alloy" and found no results...This is a game changer and that's putting it mildly. I'm not schilling for Federal but, seriously, this could transform the industry.
  2. Arthur Shelby

    Bureaucracy in the United States of America...

    I know how important floatation is to you sky guys. Never know when you'll need to ditch that $40 mil tomcat to save your $500 k SGLI. :P
  3. Arthur Shelby

    Ayoob: Were We Wrong About the "Tactical Turtle"?

    Instructions unclear, I now have two .30 cal entries and two .50 cal exit wounds. Please advise stat.
  4. Arthur Shelby

    Bureaucracy in the United States of America...

    Negative and probably age restricted due to the propellant.
  5. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Fair point. The M1 action is a bit heavy to be cycled by a blank with no mass to induce bolt thrust.
  6. Arthur Shelby

    Bureaucracy in the United States of America...

    I was Army so I don't know as much about soap as you sailors do. ;)
  7. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Hornady TAP is good stuff.
  8. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Now I'm hoping for 300 AAC subs.
  9. Arthur Shelby

    Bureaucracy in the United States of America...

    As some of you may have guessed I work a govt. contract and today I saw something that made me laugh so here it is: Do NOT use SNAP benefits to buy ineligible items, like alcoholic drinks, soap, tobacco products, firearms, ammunition, explosives, or a controlled substance as defined by 21...
  10. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    LEOs definitely need demographics. Profiling is key to finding a suspect. I totally agree that JQP doesn't need to know the stats but, naturally, arrest data must be public and people will analyze it for themselves.
  11. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    She's a shooter. Working up my courage to show the whitetails though. The only gun that stays in my safe is <redacted>.
  12. Arthur Shelby

    Show off your Every Day Carry!

    Late to the party but here's my light travel option. Not pictured is a side car with extra mag. Sights are red/green fiber.
  13. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Believe it or not she just needed a wipe down. I was the only one to bid on her that day. I think because she's not "collectible" having been re-barrelled.
  14. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    rinse and repeaters
  15. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    My 1894 rolled off the line in 1899. She got a new barrel roughly a century ago. Looks just like one Teddy R had.
  16. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Now that I'd buy a ticket for. A line of old Winchester proof steel barrels.
  17. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Not sure how many shooters but a .17 HMR would probably be sufficient. I just know how many people hate the creedmoor so I mention it when I can. :P
  18. Arthur Shelby

    death by firing squad today

    Kinda hoping for 6.5 creed >.<
  19. Arthur Shelby

    Ayoob: Were We Wrong About the "Tactical Turtle"?

    Thank you sir. 19K Hooah.
  20. Arthur Shelby

    Ayoob: Were We Wrong About the "Tactical Turtle"?

    Couldn't agree more. Red dots are specifically designed for fast target acquisition and they work for me even while lying on my side in the mud behind a vtac. As for rifles, just watch all those heads-up guys when the stack starts moving. The gun and the head go down and forward as they shift...