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  1. Chuck_Steak

    California Raising Background Check Fee's 500%, Get Ready

    https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/regs/ammofee Status of the Proposal: This rulemaking is undergoing a 45-day public comment period. Any person or their authorized representative may submit written comments regarding the proposed regulatory action. The written comment period closes at 5:00 pm on...
  2. Chuck_Steak

    XD red dot holster

    I have the 4" XD 9 and put on a red dot Having a hard time finding holster for IWB Anyone currently using anything worth mentioning? I'm not opposed to cutting one to fit, but that's not in my top 3 fixes.
  3. Chuck_Steak

    Calif - not shocked

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/10/california-xavier-becerra-gun-violence-data Gee, wonder what he's trying to hide 🙄
  4. Chuck_Steak

    Holographic site for XD

    My search skills failed me so I'll ask.... Recommendations, experience with holographic site for an XD 4" model? I'm aware of the hassle of the rear site removal.
  5. Chuck_Steak

    Tucker on Biden’s Confiscation Plan

    It's not a one sided attack Both sides are, it's all about feel good legislation that makes great sound bytes and news taglines Didn't realize just how many there are going on: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/act Interesting list of what's currently going on
  6. Chuck_Steak

    Buying Ammo in California

    Be prepared to pound the phones and rip open that wallet! I was having a friend help by calling a couple place once or twice a week. Managed to pick up 1500 9mm and 400 22lr recently. Not cheap BTW. That should do me for awhile. I'm just cutting back on range time until about late 2021 when...
  7. Chuck_Steak

    9th Circuit overturns CA LCM ban

    Now if I could only find a place that's not gouging for them! Hopefully they get stocked before any more changes.
  8. Chuck_Steak

    Practice Makes Perfect-Learning How to Shoot a Firearm: The Sheriff’s Take

    If you google them you'll get a much broader and unbiased opinion/description then you'll get from me. I live about 3 miles from it so it's my go to place. I do highly recommend them.
  9. Chuck_Steak

    Practice Makes Perfect-Learning How to Shoot a Firearm: The Sheriff’s Take

    This may be the closest you can get? https://www.fieldtimetargetandtraining.com/defensive-handgun/
  10. Chuck_Steak

    New Gun Owner Guide: Basics of Cleaning, Shooting and Storage

    I completely agree! The manual is garbage for helping learn to clean. My XD-9 is my first pistol and trying to learn all I can about keeping it in tip-top shape. Sad you have to resort to a deep dive on YouTube and cobble together all that info. http://ammosquared.refr.cc/chuckb
  11. Chuck_Steak

    I Ordered a .308 saint victor ar pistol from a licensed springfield dealer.

    I checked at a Turner's when getting ammo. They estimated delivery in Sept/Oct if it's not in stock for just about everything.
  12. Chuck_Steak

    Supply not Meeting Demand

    An option to consider for ammo? http://ammosquared.refr.cc/chuckb It's not for everyone, but work to better ensure your future needs
  13. Chuck_Steak

    Quarantine tv recommendation

    Along the same lines is The Confession Tapes, highly recommended
  14. Chuck_Steak

    Calif Good News!

    https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-04-23/judge-tosses-california-ammunition-purchase-law It's a start