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  1. OkiePewPew

    so pathetic on many levels..............post here

    It’s the Lounge not Armed with Knowledge. Your crystal ball needs a lesson in geography 😂
  2. OkiePewPew

    CCW Insurance Options....Need advice!

    I have used Second Call Defense for years. They're strongly pro-2A unlike others like USCCA. You can readily find info out there on why USCCA is so bad for its subscribers.
  3. OkiePewPew

    Jack Daniel’s costing a bit more soon

    Part of a barrel house collapsed. https://www.wsmv.com/2025/02/10/barrel-house-partially-collapses-jack-daniels-distillery-lynchburg/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1NKhi3tAqfq-3ksRgzDjaoyXglVblC3Si36HWULC6WhAOKZGZhLMb83S4_aem_QVVzHI0FFbMehaISRSDdfA#0zirmw4exfoq68sq2pyhj79fq0u0fcaa7m
  4. OkiePewPew

    Venezuela frees 6 Americans after…

    There goes Trump embarrassing the dictators again.
  5. OkiePewPew

    Echelon for California?

    Springfield is very stingy with release info. Unless those rumors come from a very close contact to Springfield, they’re just rumors.
  6. OkiePewPew

    Time to take a break.

    Yep. Ban hammer has been swung already.
  7. OkiePewPew

    Time to take a break.

    The main individual involved in the conservative bashing was removed from the forum for a month pending a decision by the board. I hope you change your mind. And remember, we can’t be everywhere at once, use the report button to let us know what’s going on before you just decide to up and leave...
  8. OkiePewPew

    Iron Man is back...

    You can’t play nice you can’t have nice things. This thread is closed.
  9. OkiePewPew

    Please post this in one of the main sections (Guns). Very few members read the profile stuff.

    Please post this in one of the main sections (Guns). Very few members read the profile stuff.
  10. OkiePewPew

    Springfield armory M1a question

    NO SALES- Banned oops this isn’t Fascistbook, carry on. 😂
  11. OkiePewPew


    aaaand, you’re suspended for a week for that comment. Lol 😂 just kidd’n
  12. OkiePewPew

    Site Question & Answer Thread?

    Hello, in this forum the Lounge is the appropriate place to put questions like this so you’re in the right spot. Give us just a bit and we’ll try to get you an answer. @Louis G. can you help us out with this?
  13. OkiePewPew

    Site Question & Answer Thread?

    Has to be more than 3 characters.
  14. OkiePewPew

    the moron's last days in office continue to fail amercan citizens

    Will never happen. He’s going to pardon himself.
  15. OkiePewPew

    I know there's not a lot of Ferrari fans on this forum, but...

    Get with the program, there are much better options out there.
  16. OkiePewPew

    Webb Pierce's Nudie Mobile

    Cool find!
  17. OkiePewPew

    Don’t email, call. They don’t do email or web requests very well.

    Don’t email, call. They don’t do email or web requests very well.
  18. OkiePewPew

    Hornady love.

    Please lord just don’t put one on your vehicle 😅
  19. OkiePewPew

    Recoil breaks embargo on New Compact Echelon 4.0

    Well folks, it’s in the wild now. A Compact Echelon is on the way! I’m thinking Recoil Magazine is off the list for Springfields pre-release testing. https://www.recoilweb.com/gunning-for-four-point-0-springfields-g19-sized-echelon-answer-186530.html
  20. OkiePewPew

    Purchased my first Emp 1911 9mm

    Welcome! I use Fed HSTs 124gr but am going to switch to the 150gr Micro, even in my big guns.