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  1. OkiePewPew

    Losing my dad

    Bella, so sorry you’re having to deal with this. As many have said, life happens regardless of our situation. That doesn’t make it any easier on us. I lost my dad a couple of years ago to liver failure and advanced dementia. He and mom lived with me so I could help take care of him. It was...
  2. OkiePewPew

    Optics Variable Interface System

    They haven’t announced any plans as of yet, but they also like to keep their releases close to the vest until it comes time to launch.
  3. OkiePewPew

    When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

    Second Call Defense has a pistol return clause in their policy. If I’m ever in a shooting situation and the police inevitably take my gun, and (again inevitably) they refuse to return it promptly, Second Call will buy me a new one. Don’t know if the other companies have the same policy but I...
  4. OkiePewPew

    Hellcat OSP - Worst Gun I Have Owned in 67 years of Shooting

    This meat head posted at 9:09p Friday and was last seen at 9:10p Friday. He had no intention of engaging in discussion. Pure troll.
  5. OkiePewPew

    Hellcat OSP - Worst Gun I Have Owned in 67 years of Shooting

    They offered to repair it under warranty, you declined. Get over it.
  6. OkiePewPew

    car from the movies

    Dean’s ‘67 Impala from the TV show Supernatural.
  7. OkiePewPew

    Echelon Compact

    Who knows?! The echelon compact would be reaching into Hellcat Pro territory so maybe not?? I have no idea lol.
  8. OkiePewPew

    Adidas going full "seig heil"

    Adidas got caught (seriously what did they expect) being full on Nazi's. Producing a new shoe specifically promoted as the Olympic '72 shoe (when the 11 Israeli athletes were murdered) and then having a vocal anti-Israel Palestinian as the spokesperson?! Seriously, wtf...
  9. OkiePewPew

    Bulletproof: 12 Modified Products to Stop Incoming Gunfire

    Basically the alpha quoted the main post and managed to insert a malicious link that looked like the forums legit photo attachment. I was trying to recreate it.
  10. OkiePewPew

    Bulletproof: 12 Modified Products to Stop Incoming Gunfire

    absolutely :ROFLMAO:
  11. OkiePewPew

    Bulletproof: 12 Modified Products to Stop Incoming Gunfire

    We were trying something out before we banned an Alpha.
  12. OkiePewPew

    Is this the future?

    That’s awfully “Divergent” of you. IYKYK
  13. OkiePewPew


  14. OkiePewPew

    What are you doing right now??

    Have had a hell of a lotta lower shoulder pain the last couple of months and finally got an MRI done. Nothing torn thankfully, so no surgery, but have severe tendinitis in two spots and some kinda itis in the bicep. Have to wait another couple of weeks for the Ortho appointment. Hopefully I'll...
  15. OkiePewPew

    Daffy Zone…..

    Page 666 of The Daffy Zone. Fitting
  16. OkiePewPew

    Lost in space?

    My distrust runs deep and I do not believe NASA and especially not Boeing. I’m waiting for the call to Elon for a rescue.
  17. OkiePewPew

    Supreme Court upholds domestic violence gun restriction

    Agree, As despicable as it is to our moralities they haven’t been convicted of anything. I’ll be very interested to hear the breakdown of the ruling.
  18. OkiePewPew

    Turn about is fair play.

    He’s gonna be Clintoned here real soon. RIP 🪦
  19. OkiePewPew

    Russian warships

    As a Floridian, I can tell you this happens all the time. We have Russian surveillance trollers off the coast continuously and they run war games with the Cubans on a regular schedule. Not a big deal at all. Btw the “Russian military warship” that actually parked 26 miles of the coast was...