
Search results

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    IWB holster for 1911 EMP 4?

    I have the Alien Gear 3.5 Cloak Tuck IWB for my EMP4 CCC and I love it. I am thinking about getting their Shapeshifter 1911 5 inch for it as well. I think it will just have an inch of extra space at the end of the barrel but will otherwise fit well.
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    Alien Gear Shapeshifter Holster for EMP4

    Has anyone tried using the 1911 5 inch Alien Gear Shapeshifter Holster for their EMP4 Conceal Carry Contour 9mm pistol and if so how did you like it?
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    9mm — Is it great or does it suck?

    I love my 9mm 1911 style Conceal Carry Contour! I have no doubt that it can do the job if I ever need to defend myself.
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    Comfort in a holster

    I love my Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5. I carry in the 4:00 O’Clock position and find it to be very comfortable with my EMP4 CCC. Their 30 day test drive is nice.
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    Show off your 1911

    I love my Conceal Carry Contour! It is a great EDC weapon and it has greatly increased my accuracy!
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    9mm — Is it great or does it suck?

    I love my SA Conceal Carry Contour 9mm. It replaced my 380 as my EDC about 4 months ago.
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    Hellcat Giveaway Winners!

    Dang, now I might have to buy one! Congrats to the winners!