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  1. S

    XDS-9 chamber round issue

    Well Hans, maybe you missed three little words on the weapon; "Springfield Armory" and "Geneseo". Yeah, it's made in Croatia. Even so, if you learned to read before you write I said "some of your Springfield's". Again, you prove my point. Of course, I defer to you because, after all, you're the...
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    XDS-9 chamber round issue

    Well, excuse me. I guess maybe the word "clip" has become part of the "cancel" culture or maybe using it is not politically correct anymore. I picked up the habit from being in the army back in the Vietnam era, something most here have no clue about. Yeah, we used the term "CLIP" back then, so...
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    XDS-9 chamber round issue

    I get concerned when I hear about this type of issue with a new gun, even if it's now seven years later. I understand trying to find ways around a jam, like loading fewer rounds in the clip, trying different ammo, smacking the clip in, and so on. I'll give any gun the benefit of not tolerating...
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    From Russia With Love,

    My Cossack (Carpathian-Rusyn) grandfather didn't need a gun in battle. He used his shashka.
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    Panther vs Sherman — Which WWII Tank Was Better?

    German tank commander Ernst Barkmann proved which tank was the better with his 82 confirmed kills. The Panzer was, by far, the best tank of WWII. If there was anything better than one Panzer, it was the many, many Sherman's and Soviet T34's that were cranked out. No matter how good a tank...
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    You know you’re old when....

    ...when you go to the range and need a scope on your rifle for the 25 yard target, then when you examine your target after shooting, you wonder if someone slipped you some blanks as the target has no holes in it.
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    You know you’re old when....

    ...when you go to the range and realize that you don't need hearing protection anymore.
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    SCOTUS On 2nd Amendment

    Gotta say once in awhile we get a win... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/30/ceo-who-defended-ar-15-sales-ban-now-leaving-dicks/
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    Stainless vs Black finish

    Sometimes the gull wings drew too much attention. If I'd park on a busy street, traffic in both directions would slow down or stop. I have to say that the Delorean was a great, fun car, with a few serious design issues; the electrical system was constantly failing (wired like a shuttle craft)...
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    Stainless vs Black finish

    I prefer black. Stainless always reminds me of a Delorean I once had. It spent more time on a flatbed than it did on the road.
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    SCOTUS On 2nd Amendment

    The SCOTUS will have their hands full because here it comes... https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2020/11/29/joe-biden-gun-control-proposal-could-bankrupt-firearms-industry/ If the Senate is lost in the Georgia election, Barrett won't make any difference as they'll pack the SCOTUS with...
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    Branding, trademarks and logos

    The crossed-cannon logo with the "since 1794" as NOTHING to do with the current "Springfield Armory". Actually, I'd be offended if the current "Springfield Armory" used the cross-cannons as that represents a very special part of our American History and I live here in Geneseo, Illinois where...
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    More Confusing Information on the Legality of Pistol Braces from The ATF

    ...and this puts a number of AR15 pistols under the NFA. Given the standard AR rifle has a barrel length of 16 inches, I wonder how long before the ATF decides a picatinny rail brings a rifle under the NFA. Just kidding of course, but then, am I?!
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    Anti-Gun Politicians Seek to Tax Your Second Amendment

    And I never said Biden could contradict (the current) SCOTUS, not directly anyways. Can't classify AR's as NFA guns? What about AR "pistols"? A lot of AR manufacturers (including Springfield Armory) make both AR rifles and pistols and the only difference is barrel length. How many here own one...
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    Anti-Gun Politicians Seek to Tax Your Second Amendment

    I find it curious how so many fall back on their constitutional rights and what the government and others can and cannot do based on these rights. It is hardly naïve nor ignorant of the law to suggest that executive orders can and will be used for gun control. How can anyone look at the U.S...
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    Thanksgiving Day TV & movies

    I had a friend who was proud to say he's "FBI", Full Blooded Italian. We both worked for AT&T and worked together via phone/computer for several years. He was in New Jersey and claimed to be related but not a member of the Gotti family. I was always amused, never believing a word he said...
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    Anti-Gun Politicians Seek to Tax Your Second Amendment

    He can't. I wish you were right. This Biden executive order "Playbook" is from The Daily Caller; The Playbook The Trace spoke with Chelsea Parsons of the far-left Center for American Progress and offered several actions Biden could take immediately. None are unfamiliar as voters already...
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    When Money Is Worthless: Barter Economy Prepping

    In Montana, we didn't barter goods as much as we bartered ourselves. It's good to be a sort of jack of all trades and the master of some. Somebody needs a fireplace built, you can always find somebody who knows how to do in trade for maybe some home computer work. There's always something of...
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    Tucker on Biden’s Confiscation Plan

    Just sayin'. What socialized healthcare was to Obama, gun control is to Biden. Obama made famous the onetime obscure "executive order" to bypass congress. Trump used it as much or more. One thing for certain, gun control is a HIGH PRIORITY for Biden and he will not hesitate to have his way with...
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    Tucker on Biden’s Confiscation Plan

    One executive order by Biden makes it possible. No doubt there would be an immediate court challenge. No big deal for him. He's got the next four years. He may or may not be able succeed depending on SCOTUS and their majority perception of the term "assault rifle" which Biden will shove in their...