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  1. Lightning4570

    1903 NRA sporter

    Finally back in town to post some pics. Thanks for the inputs gents.
  2. Lightning4570

    1903 NRA sporter

    Have inherited my wife’s grandfather’s model 1903, circa 1922 if my serial number research is correct. He used it to hunt in Alaska as a professional guide in the 1920s. Lyman rear sights, etc. It will be strictly a wall-hanger now, and I’m interested in the community’s opinion on having...
  3. Lightning4570

    Wayne LaPierre resigns

    Good riddance, now I can resume making contributions to ILA. Being anti-this individual and whichever board members may or may not have enabled him doesn’t make me a Leticia James lapdog it just makes me someone who holds the organization accountable.
  4. Lightning4570

    Colorado Considering Ban on So-Called “Assault Weapons”

    Not offering a solution, just IDing the source of the problem.
  5. Lightning4570

    Colorado Considering Ban on So-Called “Assault Weapons”

    Native Coloradans lament never stopping the tide emigrating from the Peoples’ Republic of California. It’s not yet too late for Montanans.
  6. Lightning4570

    March 5, 1770, the Boston massacre

    Have to smile at that one Eagle Keeper. When my Dutch-born son-in-law expresses frustration or dismay with the American political system I gently ask him if he speaks either German or Russian, and then reply “You’re Welcome” after he answers No. 😏
  7. Lightning4570

    Am I the only Revolver Guy left?

    Plenty of use for revolvers. That SP101 is a great pocket wheelgun even with the hammer. I sometimes carry my new-gen 4.25” Python and have been known to strap on a Blackhawk .357 for open carry around the farmstead. Keep those wheelguns employed….
  8. Lightning4570

    CCRKBA Adds These Country Music Stars to the ‘Gun Prohibitionist List

    Wow, Tim McGraw doesn’t seem to mind rapidly-administered self defense in “1883.” Not too surprising I guess, as plenty of celebs who’ve made big bank playing characters busting caps into the heads of baddies on screen are anti-2A off screen (ex. Liam Neeson).
  9. Lightning4570

    CCRKBA Adds These Country Music Stars to the ‘Gun Prohibitionist List

    Hmm… list needs an edit update. Jack Dorsey is famously no longer the CEO of Twitter.
  10. Lightning4570

    Recommendations wanted for red dots with magnifiers that fit Saint Pistols

    I've been very happy with a Leupold DeltaPoint Pro on my Saint Victor 300BLK. Very reliable, adjustable brightness, auto off to save the battery, battery can be replaced without removing the optic from the mount, etc. Lots of great options for you out there....good luck with the search and...
  11. Lightning4570

    The Ongoing Battle at the NRA to Get Rid of WLP

    I’m an NRA Life Member who has responded “not until WLP is gone” to every email or phone request for donations going back a couple years. Not sure if they’re getting the message or not, but in the meantime GOA gets any donations I’m able to send.
  12. Lightning4570

    Who is David Chipman?

    Slight correction to Caleb's otherwise superb video: WY Senators are reliably supportive of our cause. When he referred to Jon Tester, he meant for Montana residents. Democratic Senators who MAY vote down a confirmation: MT residents: Sen Jon Tester AZ residents: Sen Kyrsten Sinema WV...
  13. Lightning4570

    9mm ammo available at Midway USA

    Bulk packages also available at VelocityAmmoSales.com, typically free shipping and .80 to 1.00 / round. I've found them to be speedy & reliable to deal with.