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  1. GaCop

    Questions on Selling Brass

    Yeah, plumbing brass is a higher brass content. Cartridge brass is 70% brass and 30 % zinc.
  2. GaCop

    Questions on Selling Brass

    My last 5 gallon bucket of range brass I took to the recycler netted $122.
  3. GaCop

    Fairchild AC-119 — Vietnam’s Accidental Gunship

    Never got to see any of the Box Car gun ships, I left SEA in December 67.
  4. GaCop

    First Look: New Model 2020 Rimfire Target Color Variants

    And this rifle has received the "Golden Bullseye Award" from the NRA..... pathetic.
  5. GaCop

    First Look: New Model 2020 Rimfire Target Color Variants

    My son and I purchased 2020s in March of this year. So far, 50 yard accuracy has been inconsistent. Many good groups are ruined with a flyer. We've tested probably 12 different brands of ammunition to date to include a number of Eley options and consistent accuracy is an illusion...
  6. GaCop

    Hellcat Pro trigger slap

    I had that happen with a smith Shield in 45. I couldn't fire 30 more than 30rounds before my trigger finger was so sore I had to quit. An APEX trigger cured it.
  7. GaCop

    What’s your Favorite Reloading Press?

    I use a Dillon 550C and an RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme.
  8. GaCop

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Springfield Target 2020.
  9. GaCop

    How many....

    I keep a Shield 45 and an M&P Equalizer next to the bed.
  10. GaCop

    Zwoll: Springfield’s Wood-Stocked Model 2020 Classic Rimfire Delivers Fun

    Picking up a target model 2020 Friday from my LGS. Looking forward to putting it through its paces with a variety of ammo.
  11. GaCop

    Did i buy the wrong gun?

    Practice, practice, practice at the reasonable ranges for the compact pistol you'll carry, 7-10 yards. You'll gain confidence with the pistol and improve your shooting to the point you can put all your rounds center mass.