

  1. G

    In a World of Compacts, Is it Bad my EDC is a Full Size?

    So I feel myself a bit out of place sometimes because my EDC is a Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec Defender, 5" Barrel. A lot of people said about getting the compact pistol, but I have no problem carrying this. I use a Cross leather suspender strap, and with it anchored to my belt, I don't feel the...
  2. G

    I Think I Created a Monster!

    Ok guys, so in my previous post on the EDC forum, I stated that my wife and I got firearms and our CCW Permits. So at first my wife was deathly afraid of the Walther P22Q that I got her. But I explained all of the safety features on it (DA/SA, Safety, Mag Safety). After a day or so, she loves...
  3. M

    Hellcat Pro Comp

    Hey y’all. First post here but long time Springfield Armory owner. I just purchased a Hellcat Pro Comp. After purchasing thought about hip level firing from the hip, basically from retention. Has anyone done that with this model? I’be never owned a ported or in this case comp barrel. I’m...
  4. Invisibleflash

    In preparation for a semi-auto ban...make an 8 or 9 shot .327 Mag revolver for CCW

    S&W or some other maker should make a hi-cap 8 or 9-shot .327 Magnum revolver that would be doable for concealed carry. Offer it in 3-1/2 & 4-1/2 inch barrels. Lightweight scandium design like the S&W AirLite PD snub. While I gave up using revolvers in 2020, I'd buy 2 or 3 of these .327's just...
  5. T

    FN 509® Midsize MRD or Springfield Armory Hellcat ® PRO for CCW/EDC

    Good afternoon everyone, I'm looking to pick up my first CCW/EDC before the end of summer and am completely undecided between the FN 509® Midsize MRD and Springfield Armory Hellcat ® PRO. I've come up empty on all of my internet and YouTube searches for any comparisons between the two. Does...
  6. Classified

    Is anonymity still attainable?

    I've just been thinking about how difficult life becomes after one is involved in a firefight. One's life can be torn apart so quickly with the constant barrage of media. However, I recall an incident with an Arizona Highway Patrol where a citizen intervened and saved the life of a trooper. It...