
concealed carry

  1. G

    My Wife bought me a Pistol

    So my wife surprised me with a pistol last week. A Taurus TH9C. She didn't have much money on her, and it was really sweet of her. But I was surprised because this thing shoots really well, and feels very comfortable in my hand. I have heard mixed reviews on Taurus, but I found this to be...
  2. M

    Do I need to re zero my shield smsc red dot after changing the battery? Can’t find an answer anywhere

    Do I need to re zero my shield smsc red dot after changing the battery? Can’t find an answer anywhere. Thanks
  3. LordBruce

    Clothing that work like a champ for all body types

    Not sure how many folks struggle with finding jeans that are comfortable while carrying inside the waistband. I have to tell you, I have, to the point of giving up and sticking with an outside the waistband holster and covering up with a jacket or stuff it in my front pocket with an over sized...
  4. F

    IWB holster for 1911 EMP 4?

    I’m looking for the correct IWB holster for an EMP 4 (9mm) I just got and I was on alien gear site and I’m just not sure which one will fit it correctly. Anyone have any suggestions?
  5. LicensedToPill

    Best .380 ACP Self Defense Ammo for Pocket Carry

    I don’t want this to be a discussion about caliber. I carry IWB everyday, but there are some occasions where that is not an option. I’m looking to get a pocket gun for concealed carry for the times I may need to conceal in my pants pocket or blazer. I am 5’6” and 150 lbs. In order to pocket...