Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Review: The New Springfield Operator 1911 .45 ACP" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/review-the-new-springfield-operator-1911-45-acp/.

I just cant let this go....what color is tactical TP?I saw a package of tactical toilet paper
Good article Mike. I do like the way the rail and the way it is cut in.Review: The New Springfield Operator 1911 .45 ACP
Lol it's actually camouflage. Very similar in color and pattern to an old USMC WWII pattern.I just cant let this go....what color is tactical TP?
Good article Mike. I do like the way the rail and the way it is cut in.
Good article Mike, I like the look of the gun except for the rail, the grips are nice and look aggressive, they also look to give the grip area more purchase for my larger hands. I’d like to see Springfield make a double stack 1911.
Nice review. I will step away from opinion so far to say I like the rail. I would not want it on every 1911 I own, but I do want that versatility on at least one full size model. Perhaps, a "tactical" model...
Since it's "tactical", I saw a package of tactical toilet paper Saturday at a store, I think it's way over used term, but it's the fad. Since it's tactical, I think it needs different sights, something like the Aegis elite, that cowitness for the optics cut it should have.
Add front strap checkering and I think you have a more unique "tactical" 1911 that would serve in the spirit of that term much better. I think that on the modern CQB front that any "tactical" 1911 should have at least the same simple modern accoutrements available as on modern battle pistols, say the sig P320 we all know is available to the military and civilian populace alike.
Just an opinion. In my case since I am not currently military, I will rely upon the second part of the definition. Relating to tactics serving a larger purpose and for an immediate end. That spcific purpose and end being protecting my family. This is part of the reason I bought the p365 xl, for the versatility of future use.
Definition of TACTICAL
of or relating to combat tactics: such as; of or occurring at the battlefront; using or being weapons or forces employed at the battlefront… See the full definitionwww.merriam-webster.com
Lol I want someAgreed, was an nice review Sld,
Front strap checkering's a great addition and help - when it's available.
Tactical TP? Hah, too much time or something on someones hands? Oh yah, the Tactical part's been over used and abused. What's next tactical tacks? OMG! It's too late, they're already here!
It's a real "Tack Driver"What's next tactical tacks? OMG! It's too late, they're already here!
A decade ago it was 'match grade'. SA still (over) uses that term…the “tactical” moniker is right up there with “military grade” in use & abuse, Lol
Agree with your comment concerning front strap checkering! Those of us in the humid south shooting outdoors appreciate that feature so much! C’mon Springfield if Taurus can checker the front strap so should you!Concur in general with wmg1299 above but for diff reasons. If price comes way down I might someday buy but the scale on this one tips to thumbs down for me….
- regular (poss large or oversized?) grips: i am now completely sold on slim grips for my small hands. Would have to change out the VZs here. VZs are good but overpriced imho. Last ones I bought (slim replacement set) were $75 and in stock; took almost 3 weeks to arrive. Anywho, Springer is using off the shelf here; nothing special.
- WHERE IS THE FRIGGIN’ FRONT STRAP CHECKERING ? Spgfld’s are always described as ‘loaded with features’ and this one is a ‘tactical’ model … but still no front checks. This has been noted before on this Forum.
- personally, I don’t need/want the rail.
Positives for me (and I’ll be first to say there are many positives!):
- Ball endmill cuts (cosmetic only, but i love ‘em). Wish they’d done that to the Garrison !!
- Good front sight; since I don’t care for three plain white dots.
- Finally, back to two mags included !
I dunno. Will likely have to find a real deal to bite on this one. I think my Vickers Master Class has this beat and pretty handily.
Just my two cents.