12gauge TSR (Tango Shotgun Round) Brass - 5 Rounds/Package | OATH Ammo
Can be shot from a smooth or rifled 12ga barrel with no issues.
it's an old man
I agree, it's just for the cool factor, the latest & greatest, having something the average person doesn't.I must admit I'm no brainiac on the subject of shotguns. My familiarity is .410 bore and 12 gauge with 00 buck, and my favorite #4 buck. I simply can't grasp the need for such a round for the ordinary gunner. Large, dangerous predators? I'm certain I'm missing something, somewhere. . .
For $11,000.Well crap, they are sold out. i was fixin to order a case.
I do believe Buffalo Arms still sells reloadable brass shotgun shells in a variety of guages.Sure would look cool in the side saddle of my shorty. Reloadable 5 times. You don't see the old brass shells anymore at gun shows. If you do it's an old man with 3 tables and nothing is for sale. Just showing his collection and talking to people.....
I am a guy who likes to destroy things with slugs. And yes I watch Talfledermaus. I would definitely buy some of these projectiles. I'll pass on the brass hulls.I must admit I'm no brainiac on the subject of shotguns. My familiarity is .410 bore and 12 gauge with 00 buck, and my favorite #4 buck. I simply can't grasp the need for such a round for the ordinary gunner. Large, dangerous predators? I'm certain I'm missing something, somewhere. . .
Thank You I'll check them out.I do believe Buffalo Arms still sells reloadable brass shotgun shells in a variety of guages.
Well crap, they are sold out. i was fixin to order a case.