
So You Want to Buy a Can: The Intricacies of Suppressor Ownership

ATF e file is a farse for their “90 day Electronic form 4” turn around time on suppressors.
I am 181 days in. At 132 days ATF came back with a denied as “No fingerprints submitted with Application” statement.
Well, I have documented proof they were accepted with registered mail and signature required from USPS. They were signed for.

Resubmitted again and now 61 days wait.

Heard this from many people.

I think it’s the Admins way to slow roll from the anti 2A admin
ATF e file is a farse for their “90 day Electronic form 4” turn around time on suppressors.
I am 181 days in. At 132 days ATF came back with a denied as “No fingerprints submitted with Application” statement.
Well, I have documented proof they were accepted with registered mail and signature required from USPS. They were signed for.

Resubmitted again and now 61 days wait.

Heard this from many people.

I think it’s the Admins way to slow roll from the anti 2A admin
If you pay for the green Return Receipt card you'll have a copy of the signature.
A quiet armed society is a polite society.
My first suppressor was a .30 caliber can I shot in 2006, it was made for the military M14 and fit the DC Vortex flash hider that Smith Enterprise was making at the time. I didn't actually buy my own can until a few years later, and now I have 3 different suppressors. I prefer to do all of my target shooting with a suppressed gun, it's more enjoyable for me and those around me, and the host gun is typically more accurate. I recently attended a suppressor metering event in my area... they metered my .30 caliber Wind Talker on my 5.56 NATO Daewoo K2 as well as my 7.62x51 CQB-16 type SEI M14


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A quiet armed society is a polite society.
My first suppressor was a .30 caliber can I shot in 2006, it was made for the military M14 and fit the DC Vortex flash hider that Smith Enterprise was making at the time. I didn't actually buy my own can until a few years later, and now I have 3 different suppressors. I prefer to do all of my target shooting with a suppressed gun, it's more enjoyable for me and those around me, and the host gun is typically more accurate. I recently attended a suppressor metering event in my area... they metered my .30 caliber Wind Talker on my 5.56 NATO Daewoo K2 as well as my 7.62x51 CQB-16 type SEI M14
Nice ! 👍
Well my wonderful state of Illinois doesn't allow us to have these evil noise reducing devices. They KNOW that if they let us own these evil devices , we will just start shooting up the whole state and no one will ever hear a shot fired. I mean if you have one of these evil devices on a gun you can't hear it fired if more then a foot away from the gun. They know this is a fact. If you don't think so , just ask one of our fine leaders of Illinois.:mad::mad::mad:
ATF e file is a farse for their “90 day Electronic form 4” turn around time on suppressors.
I am 181 days in. At 132 days ATF came back with a denied as “No fingerprints submitted with Application” statement.
Well, I have documented proof they were accepted with registered mail and signature required from USPS. They were signed for.

Resubmitted again and now 61 days wait.

Heard this from many people.

I think it’s the Admins way to slow roll from the anti 2A admin
The whole process is BS. I’m at 168 days on my first suppressor. The times keep getting longer. According to Silencer Shop tracking, the average wait time is now at 179 days for eForms. All these people have to do is run a background check and make sure your paperwork is right. How long can that take? And like in KillerFord’s situation, if there is a mistake - regardless of who caused it - they just deny you and you have to start all over again, including paying the $200 tax stamp. You can go to a gun shop and have a BGC run in about 15 minutes, but it takes the ATF 6 months? It’s just ridiculous…
The whole process is BS. I’m at 168 days on my first suppressor. The times keep getting longer. According to Silencer Shop tracking, the average wait time is now at 179 days for eForms. All these people have to do is run a background check and make sure your paperwork is right. How long can that take? And like in KillerFord’s situation, if there is a mistake - regardless of who caused it - they just deny you and you have to start all over again, including paying the $200 tax stamp. You can go to a gun shop and have a BGC run in about 15 minutes, but it takes the ATF 6 months? It’s just ridiculous…
Agree 100%

My SBR permit got processed in 16 days.
Yet over 150 days + for a suppressor
Though I'd love to have one or three, the fact that it is an NFA item pisses me off to no end. Same with the SBR/SBS BS.
The entire NFA (and all subsequent legislation) is an INFRINGEMENT on a Constitutionally protected Right. None of this legislation has prevented a single crime, and it was the wrong and Unlawful response to a problem the government itself created.
The ATF is a Predatory Agency with far too much power. End them NOW and repeal the NFA, GCA et al Congress!
I love my suppressor (Yankee Hill Machine). I DID NOT love the 14 month wait - AFTER - the ATF took my money. That said, I used the kiosk at my local and the purchase/application process was relatively painless, but did take some time. Aaaand, you still have to undergo the standard background check before the local shop can transfer the item to you, even though you went through the whole BATFE background check process in order to legally possess the suppressor!

Still, I'd own ten if I could.

XDM with Suppressor.png
I've got two in jail. One is sitting at day 172 since certification on eForms and the other is at 129 days. So much for the ATF and SS "goal" of 90 days on eforms. The SS tracking is now at a median wait time of 6 months for eForm submissions. It's ridiculous.

The 172 day can is a Rugged Mico 30 for my .300 BLK 8.5" pistol and AR rifle. The 129 day is a YHM Phantom 22 for an AR platform 22 rifle and a S&W Victory pistol. I REALLY want to get my hands on these and the wait is starting to kill me. The longer I wait, the more the approval dates get pushed back. Every time I think I'm close, the timeline moves back. Irritating...
Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “So You Want to Buy a Can: The Intricacies of Suppressor Ownership” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/suppressor-ownership/.

Coming up on one year wait for a .22 Sparrow. First suppressor, probably my last. Former full auto owner for 35 years, you would think might expedite a bit. Guess not.
ATF e file is a farse for their “90 day Electronic form 4” turn around time on suppressors.
I am 181 days in. At 132 days ATF came back with a denied as “No fingerprints submitted with Application” statement.
Well, I have documented proof they were accepted with registered mail and signature required from USPS. They were signed for.

Resubmitted again and now 61 days wait.

Heard this from many people.

I think it’s the Admins way to slow roll from the anti 2A admin
The Fed is a disgrace as it pertains to the 2A. perseverance is the only thing that beats these jackasses in the end every time.