Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “P-40 Warhawk: America’s Avenging Angel” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/p-40-warhawk-americas-avenging-angel/.

Great article about an awesome plane and Great War history.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “P-40 Warhawk: America’s Avenging Angel” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/p-40-warhawk-americas-avenging-angel/.
Japanese Zeros were considered to be a very formitable foe early in WW2 because of their speed and manuevability. However, after a Zero was shot down in the Aleutian Islands and was found to be nearly intact, the Navy rebuilt the plane, painted it with US markings and did all kinds of testing to find out all its plus' & minus'. This led to Navy pilots in the Pacific receiving valuable training on ways to out duel there counterparts and reek havoc on the Japanese pilots.I love the first picture of the plane with all the japanese flags for kills. Years ago at our local gun range I noticed a Ford Bronco with two and a half flags painted on the driver door. I thought it kinda looked silly and after entering I mentioned it to one of the guys that worked there. He laughed pointed out the owner and found out the truck had been in three auto accidents with japanese made cars and had totaled two of the three. Now every time I see a plane with those flags wether in a movie or documentary I laugh to myself
I agree about the "simple elegance"....There is a simple elegance in many things from the mid-20 century. Things were built to do a job and do it well (or as well as could be expected). I see it in the old rifles i like so much and in these old warplanes. I always thought the p-51 mustang was a badass plane. My dad had a love for the b-17. Who knows, in 80 years people may look at stuff from today and think the same thing (or not).