
Hellcat: The New Top Dog?


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It has grabbed my attention to the point that I walked in on two coworkers talking about the Hellcat and thought of the pistol and not the car as they were talking about. But we got it straight and were soon talking about both, then the pistol only.
I work part time in a small gun shop. We've had two in stock so far...they both sold before they reached the store.
I am impressed with the reviews so far, but will wait to see how this pistol holds up before considering a purchase. I would really want to shoot one, and conceal it also. I've gone the Shield route, and currently am using an LC9s. I have no interest in the 365. The Hellcat looks very attractive for Arizona concealed carry. Time will tell.
The Hellcat could very well replace the P365 as the next "go to" EDC. I think it depends on availability. As of now, the Hellcat is not readily available and the P365XL is! We'll see!
Good morning, I seen a few post about waiting to see how the hellcat holds up. I haven’t got mine yet still waiting for it to come in so I really don’t have any remarks on how or if it will but there’s a a article/ video worth reading and watching Hellcat kills 10,000 rounds.
Wanting to try one before I buy. Picked up a 365 because of all the talk and because of the issues I sold it without even shooting it. Sat in the case for about a year and such a waste of money. So I don't want to pickup a hellcat without trying it out. Plus I'd like to see how it is holding up. On a fixed income so money is not something I can waste. Really need to save up some more anyway so that helps me to hold off. Held one for the first time this week and really did like it. With it's size and the capacity it is something that could really work everyday. But if I don't shoot it well then it would not be a good fit. Playing with it at the shop it did point very well for me, just like my Glocks. So it seems like it will shoot well for me but the size could make it harder. I do have big hands and I have trigger finger so I need something with all my fingers on the grip and the 13 round mag fixes that problem. Time will tell
If Sprignfield decides to make whatever modifications for the Hellcat to make it on the approved gun roster in my state, I will be sure to look at one. Albeit with a 10 round mag.
Good morning, I seen a few post about waiting to see how the hellcat holds up. I haven’t got mine yet still waiting for it to come in so I really don’t have any remarks on how or if it will but there’s a a article/ video worth reading and watching Hellcat kills 10,000 rounds.
If you checked few replies before, you would see that i posted it already :D
But its a good video, we can watch it twice :D
I think it would be a great for edc. A microcompact with great ammo capacity and feels good in the hand is worth carrying.
I found the grip to feel more blockish, like a Glock. I've not shot a hellcat, just handled at the counter.

I've shot > 1000 rounds through a P365 and now > 400 through a P365 XL. Recoil is a bit snappy in both but manageable, personally i like the feel of the 365 grips better than the Hellcat and bought a P365 XL for my own EDC.
I found the grip to feel more blockish, like a Glock. I've not shot a hellcat, just handled at the counter.

I've shot > 1000 rounds through a P365 and now > 400 through a P365 XL. Recoil is a bit snappy in both but manageable, personally i like the feel of the 365 grips better than the Hellcat and bought a P365 XL for my own EDC.
The P365XL is what one guy at work is planning to get. Told him to check out Hellcat as very similar in demensions.
Good advice. The hellcat is an impressive pistol, I have no doubt I'd be quite happy carrying one. I went with the XL for what are some rather minor preferences, not due to to a dislike or distrust of the hellcat.

The P365 XL is about 1/2 inch taller and longer that the P365, and while the same thickness for teh slide & top of the grip module, the grip itself is about 1/10 inch thcker and feels subtly different that the P365.

The Hellcat and P365 are just about the same dimensions, with the P365 XL being a slightly larger pistol, though still small.