
Should You Decentralize Your Home Defense System?

Folks used to keep their double barrel up over the front door, but this safe would probably work better. :)

Probably not. Although over the front door is a less than ideal location IMO. Maybe in a hidden space on one of the side (stiles) trim pieces of an interior door which you installed on hinges so it looks like a regular piece of interior door trim. And maybe a Semi auto high capacity shotgun instead of a double barrel. I know, Potato, potahto.

So the guy in the video said:

" I really enjoy the look of the safe prominently displayed in the middle of my home. The finish and the classy, techy look fit perfectly with the décor of my home."

There's so much wrong with this sentence that I could probably base a dissertation on it. Let's pay $1300 for a safe that is actually less secure than the $500 safe you can buy right now at Tractor Supply Company and then display it prominently in our home where it is the first thing a burglar sees. And let's secure this thin, sheetmetal safe with a couple 2" screws in the center of the safe, or better yet, just put it on the included base stand. Hey, it's got wifi and looks techy so it must be better.
Probably not. Although over the front door is a less than ideal location IMO. Maybe in a hidden space on one of the side (stiles) trim pieces of an interior door which you installed on hinges so it looks like a regular piece of interior door trim. And maybe a Semi auto high capacity shotgun instead of a double barrel. I know, Potato, potahto.

So the guy in the video said:

" I really enjoy the look of the safe prominently displayed in the middle of my home. The finish and the classy, techy look fit perfectly with the décor of my home."

There's so much wrong with this sentence that I could probably base a dissertation on it. Let's pay $1300 for a safe that is actually less secure than the $500 safe you can buy right now at Tractor Supply Company and then display it prominently in our home where it is the first thing a burglar sees. And let's secure this thin, sheetmetal safe with a couple 2" screws in the center of the safe, or better yet, just put it on the included base stand. Hey, it's got wifi and looks techy so it must be better.
The challenge to any thief will be finding my safes…doubt they will before the alarm has the cops showing up (under 10 minutes, we found out, when the cat hid out in “the armory” and tripped the alarm after we left…we were only about 10 miles out, and the cops beat us by several minutes).

I have a few guns at our cabin, as well…again, finding them will be a challenge to any thieves.

I just don’t advertise I’m a gun guy. Can’t see any good coming from that…then again, I think the whole ammosexual “gun lifestyle” thing is a load of fetid dingoes’ kidneys, so…
The challenge to any thief will be finding my safes…doubt they will before the alarm has the cops showing up (under 10 minutes, we found out, when the cat hid out in “the armory” and tripped the alarm after we left…we were only about 10 miles out, and the cops beat us by several minutes).

I have a few guns at our cabin, as well…again, finding them will be a challenge to any thieves.

I just don’t advertise I’m a gun guy. Can’t see any good coming from that…then again, I think the whole ammosexual “gun lifestyle” thing is a load of fetid dingoes’ kidneys, so…
Agreed. No one who isn't a friend of mine knows I have a gun addiction. And all my stuff is well hidden, including the safes and ammo. And believe me it's not easy to hide 2 safes, 19 regular ammo cans and 2 of the big ass 2' ammo cans in a 1000 sq. ft. house.

In years past I would put the stickers that came with stuff on the back glass of my truck. I long ago removed them. Now I put them all on the face of my safe or out in the shop. My Lexus has an Ultradyne logo sticker, which is simply a ball and resembles a pokemon ball. I doubt many here would even recognize it as a firearm related thing much less the rest of the idiots out in the world. Also a small Microtech sticker.
Agreed. No one who isn't a friend of mine knows I have a gun addiction. And all my stuff is well hidden, including the safes and ammo. And believe me it's not easy to hide 2 safes, 19 regular ammo cans and 2 of the big ass 2' ammo cans in a 1000 sq. ft. house.

In years past I would put the stickers that came with stuff on the back glass of my truck. I long ago removed them. Now I put them all on the face of my safe or out in the shop. My Lexus has an Ultradyne logo sticker, which is simply a ball and resembles a pokemon ball. I doubt many here would even recognize it as a firearm related thing much less the rest of the idiots out in the world. Also a small Microtech sticker.
Only sticker on my car is a Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems logo…
my storage is not easy to find, if i let people wander around my home, it is covered so it does not stand out as a safe. if you do find it, its also bolted to the concrete with 4 , 1/2 bolts that go down 4 inches in concrete
i guess you could try to jack it loose or cut hole in door, but i would hear it
it uses a battery or a key. both are easy to use in a quick moment.

bad guy would need to gain access through 3 doors to get to any of it
my dog would eat you as door one was breached, then the shotgun or pistol would get you right after.

hiding a firearm next to the door in trim panel is nice for those unexpected visitors .

as a bonus we put up these bird repellent screachers to keep bird crap off the cars under the carport and off porch
anyone coming into yard to get to front door has to pass by 3 and they are LOUD so now we get a heads up before the cameras get you. best 100 bucks i have spent in long time, no birds, no crap, no stray cats, no solicitors

its hilarious when people drop by unannounced and the screachers get em at the gate. they usually turn and leave:ROFLMAO:
Really or are you playin' ?

Laugh while you can, monkey boy…
No stickers on my vehicles, not even oil change stickers. Two reason, have always hated stickers and not giving away information is goal. Same reason I do not open carry, or talk about what we have in the home or where. even with family as best we can.

The only information I do display is premises have video surveillance and are protected by an alarm system. Hopefully miscreants will choose somewhere else.
Like many of you I'm sure I have safes all over my house for different situations.
This video however was more of a sales pitch then it was talking about the idea of decentralized home defense in my opinion.