Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Should Your CCW Be Big, Small, or Neither?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/should-your-ccw-be-big-small-or-neither/.

At 5’11 I’m not as tall as you however with legs “pant length” at 32 most of my height is in my torso so I find that baggy clothes also do me justice and allow me to conceal carry a larger gun very easily.There is a tradeoff between concealability and shootability. When I was a young officer I carried a Model 27 5" on and off duty, because I couldn't afford a second gun at the time. I am 6'5" and could get away with it with loose clothes but was relieved when I could afford a 2.5" model 19. As we moved to semi-autos plainclothes agencies attempted to strike a balance with concealable but accurate. The Commander size pistols, like the Sig P228/M11 became the standard for concealment. Nowadays I carry a Legion P220, because it's a fotty-five and I can shoot it well. All my clothes are baggy.
I like 4” or bigger. I don’t carry them IWB. Shields I carry IWB.I find the full size pistols tind to poke me when carried iwb. I found the Hellcat to be a good fit for me. I mostly carry it with a 11 round mag. I can carry it with the 13 round but the 15 round pokes.
I wouldn't say must. The rule of 3s is real. I can carry a VP9 and 2 extra mags comfortably enough though.I’ve carried full-size (Gov’t 1911’s, Glock 21/34/17, HK USP’s, S&W 4” K, L, & N) Midsized (Commanders, Glock 36, USP Compact, Wilson X9, 2.5-3” S&W K, L & N) Compact (Colt New Agent, G26, HKP30SK) and subs (J-frame, Sig P238, Colt 1908).
They all work. They all can be comfortable. Just depends on how much work you want to put into it.
Honestly? Now I like an 11oz J-frame in my pocket. It’s there, it works, and it’s going to deal with 99.999+% of any realistic situation I’ll need a firearm in.
You do you…but I’m gonna look seriously askance at anyone who claims you MUST have a mega-capacity blaster in order to survive a defensive encounter, because they obviously haven’t done the math.