
17 year old caused a train derailment he recorded it and posted it too.

What century are we in ? I know a guy who is a “ switch man” for a railroad. He’s actually an electrician. Because switches are all electronically controlled these days. Except apparently in Nebraska.
plus, obstruction alert must've been off also? if obstruction alert wasn't working the local control office/tower would be alerted. obstruction alert might not've been sending an alert as a car won't show signs of a short (like metal lying across/touching both tracks).
If he was involved it's another example of the video/tik tok challenge sub culture. In schools, there are sometimes odd and damaging acts which are done to compete with "who broke the most desks" or "smashed the most towel dispensers" sort of thing. It's perverse and dangerous just to make a bigger splash than the other school. Yes, even in small towns.
just because you know how the switch works doesn't mean you moved it! i'm not defending him, only stating a fact. clearly he was up to something and should pay dearly for it! if he didn't move the switch, he knows who did!
I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt in most cases, but it's reported this kid set his tri-pod/camera and sound recording equipment in the appropriate spot just 4 minutes before the train passed the switch that had been tampered with. Now I might even call that a miraculous coincidence too except he posted the video on one of his channels within minutes of it's happening, and also coincidentally he has a couple other youtube and Tiktoc channels where he runs train related videos, even train wrecks. I dunno, maybe jus' me, but this just sounds way too fishy. I'm pretty sure he has already been arrested, but is currently charged as a juvi for the time being. Prosecutors are asking for it to be moved to adult court.

Much like the kid who intentionally crashed a small airplane and tried to make it appear that he just coincidentally had a GoPro fixed to one of the wings videoing back to the pilots door, and another attached to the 'tail wings' for a second perspective. Got on board with his chute already buckled on, into a junker plane looking/painted very similar to the plane he was supposed to have crashed in ... and then when the dumb azz bailed out, he used GPS to guide him directly to the plane rather than to safety where he immediately gathered up all his recording equipment and played it on Youtube/Tiktoc. etc before the wreckage was even found by authorities.

It just seems to me kids these days are going way over board in these so-called real-life videos and/or pranks. Kids in my day would never even think of this kind of stuff, much less try to pull it off so boldly.
I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt in most cases, but it's reported this kid set his tri-pod/camera and sound recording equipment in the appropriate spot just 4 minutes before the train passed the switch that had been tampered with. Now I might even call that a miraculous coincidence too except he posted the video on one of his channels within minutes of it's happening, and also coincidentally he has a couple other youtube and Tiktoc channels where he runs train related videos, even train wrecks. I dunno, maybe jus' me, but this just sounds way too fishy. I'm pretty sure he has already been arrested, but is currently charged as a juvi for the time being. Prosecutors are asking for it to be moved to adult court.

Much like the kid who intentionally crashed a small airplane and tried to make it appear that he just coincidentally had a GoPro fixed to one of the wings videoing back to the pilots door, and another attached to the 'tail wings' for a second perspective. Got on board with his chute already buckled on, into a junker plane looking/painted very similar to the plane he was supposed to have crashed in ... and then when the dumb azz bailed out, he used GPS to guide him directly to the plane rather than to safety where he immediately gathered up all his recording equipment and played it on Youtube/Tiktoc. etc before the wreckage was even found by authorities.

It just seems to me kids these days are going way over board in these so-called real-life videos and/or pranks. Kids in my day would never even think of this kind of stuff, much less try to pull it off so boldly.
i already had a mock trial and convicted him, and sentenced him to Gitmo for terrorist crimes.

in fact, that's what should happen to him.......Gitmo.
" Children are savages and need to be taught how to be civilized" W.E.B. Griffin
I'll add that you don't do that by "letting them express themselves", "understanding", or debate on what expectable behavior is. Clear boundaries damn it, mean it and enforce it as necessary.
my mama would give me a beating, then when dad got home.>??

belt, or strap, even at times his work boot.......

ya learnt at an early age, to "smarten up" when ya got a beat down twice in the same day.

you had no choice either, you was gonna git it twice....
" Children are savages and need to be taught how to be civilized" W.E.B. Griffin
I'll add that you don't do that by "letting them express themselves", "understanding", or debate on what expectable behavior is. Clear boundaries damn it, mean it and enforce it as necessary.
Agree…I have a grandson like that. Mon is a helicopter mom, coddles him constantly. I have tried talking with him, but she refuses to let me talk to him alone. He is 16, and while, IMO, not dangerously inclined, still he will be shocked when he hits real life.
Kids, ALL kids push the limit (that’s how they find out what limits are. If the limit is 3’ or three miles, they’ll still push it. Parents who refuse to establish reasonable limits are setting their kids up for this kind of crap AND the shock that will come when the kid encounters the real world