
Best Rimfire Rifle for the Money?

I was interested in it when I was considering a target rifle. There were some mixed reviews, but the biggest gripe I came across from rimfire shooters was their accuracy guarantee, "Every configuration is guaranteed to shoot 1” or less at 50 yards with quality match-grade factory ammunition, in the hands of a skilled shooter." This type of guarantee was less than earth shattering.
I would not consider myself a skilled shooter. I'm a plinker, not a target shooter, and almost exclusively use CCI Standard Velocity, not match grade ammo. However, I still strive for tights groups just like anyone else and will shoot groups of ~1/2" at 40 yards with rifles not branded as a "target rifle". They tried to hype it up to be something it isn't.
It is a nice looking plinker though, and if the price was right I'd add it to the collection.


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Has and always will be the Ruger 10/22. So many ways to modify to suit your needs, add to that the pricing that has pretty much stayed consistent over the years it's hard to beat.
I have a couple of those also, plus my 1948 Mossberg 44US(c).....


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Best .22 bang for the buck has got to be the Marlin Model 60. I remember the good old days when they sold for under $100. Clamp a $10 .22 scope on it and shoot one ragged hole at 25 yards all day long.
But, alas, times have changed. :(