Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Ins and Outs of Pocket Carry” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ins-and-outs-of-pocket-carry/.

Good read, since my surgery I now do the pocket carry until I can comfortably carry OWB again, thanks Mike.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Ins and Outs of Pocket Carry” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ins-and-outs-of-pocket-carry/.
Love that pistol, I prefer to carry it strong side owb.1911 .380 Browning In a pocket all the time when not at work
“sticky” holster
This. A Smith 638 or Sig 938 in a Mika is The easiest to carry “real” firearm I’ve ever found. Carry strong side front pocket in Levi’s. Works great all year, espin winter when a belt gun would be buried under a heavy coat.Thanks for the link, Mike. Good article by a good and knowledgeable writer.
I pocket carry most of the time. When I pick up my keys and wallet, I drop a S&W 642 in a Mika holster in my front pants pocket. I don”t forget it is there, but it is really comfortable.
If you have not checked out CCW Breakaway pants do so, this is a great option. The handgun does not print, the holster stays in the pocket and the draw is very quick.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Ins and Outs of Pocket Carry” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ins-and-outs-of-pocket-carry/.
Good article, I do have a pocket holster for my S&W 45 Sheald and it works great. It's not my preferred EDC choice but it does work well for those activities that I can't wear my normal shoulder holster rig with my XDM elite 3.8 compact 45acp. I do have a Ruger LCP II. 380 and a pocket holster as well but I hardly ever wear it anymore since I bought the S&W 45 Sheald because I just don't feel that a .380 auto is as effective for self defense.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Ins and Outs of Pocket Carry” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ins-and-outs-of-pocket-carry/.
That's the company I got my pocket holster from and it is the best I've ever seen. Way more sticky to stay in the pocket than the other more popular ones out there. If you pocket carry you owe it to yourself to check it out.If you have not checked out CCW Breakaway pants do so, this is a great option. The handgun does not print, the holster stays in the pocket and the draw is very quick.
You might find you don’t want to go back for edc…when I started pocket carrying 7-8 years ago after surgery, I found it was convenient, comfortable, and—with practice—as fast to present as belt carry (faster, if you have your hand in your pocket and on your grip, which you can do without appearing to…which you definitely can’t with a belt holster).Good read, since my surgery I now do the pocket carry until I can comfortably carry OWB again, thanks Mike.
You may be right Hans, I tried wearing my jeans and belt yesterday with my regular setup, didn't feel comfortable at all and actually made me sore, so its back to sweats and my pocket carry setupYou might find you don’t want to go back for edc…when I started pocket carrying 7-8 years ago after surgery, I found it was convenient, comfortable, and—with practice—as fast to present as belt carry (faster, if you have your hand in your pocket and on your grip, which you can do without appearing to…which you definitely can’t with a belt holster).
I’d say that I pocket carry either a J-frame or my Sig 238 90%+ of the time…)
If you’re a Jeans guy (like me) check out Levi Signature 501’s. Deep front pockets that will easily hold a holster and J frame, 938 Sig or similar with no problems. The watch pocket will easily hold a speed strip or magazine. I’ve worn the for years. A side benefit is a casual “hands in the pocket” stance places you in a great, but harmless looking, defensive posture.You may be right Hans, I tried wearing my jeans and belt yesterday with my regular setup, didn't feel comfortable at all and actually made me sore, so its back to sweats and my pocket carry setup
The issue is wearing my belt, I’m still recovering from my surgery and wearing jeans with a belt is kinda painful yet, I probably rushed it to soonIf you’re a Jeans guy (like me) check out Levi Signature 501’s. Deep front pockets that will easily hold a holster and J frame, 938 Sig or similar with no problems. The watch pocket will easily hold a speed strip or magazine. I’ve worn the for years. A side benefit is a casual “hands in the pocket” stance places you in a great, but harmless looking, defensive posture.