
1911 EMP Problems

Just bought a new 1911 EMP 9mm and put 300 rounds through it. Here are the consistent problems I have found with 75% of the magazine loads. Anyone else experiencing these?
(1) Slide does not lock on shooting final round in magazine but recycles with hammer in cocked position.
(2) Slide does not lock on shooting final round in magazine but recycles with hammer in uncocked position.
(3) While shooting, in middle of magazine load the slide recycles but hammer does recock with slide recycle.
(4) Lock slide to load magazine, input magazine, release slide, hammer goes back to uncocked position when slide released.
(5) Feed jam on ramp. Especially if load a single bullet first for a 9+1 load, the first feed from the mag jams.
(6) Load magazine with slide forward and unracked. Cannot rack the slide, it is jammed. have to eject the mag to rack the slide.
Just bought a new 1911 EMP 9mm and put 300 rounds through it. Here are the consistent problems I have found with 75% of the magazine loads. Anyone else experiencing these?
(1) Slide does not lock on shooting final round in magazine but recycles with hammer in cocked position.
(2) Slide does not lock on shooting final round in magazine but recycles with hammer in uncocked position.
(3) While shooting, in middle of magazine load the slide recycles but hammer does recock with slide recycle.
(4) Lock slide to load magazine, input magazine, release slide, hammer goes back to uncocked position when slide released.
(5) Feed jam on ramp. Especially if load a single bullet first for a 9+1 load, the first feed from the mag jams.
(6) Load magazine with slide forward and unracked. Cannot rack the slide, it is jammed. have to eject the mag to rack the slide.
Call Springfield CS and get a RMA to have them fix your gun.
5 and 6 I have encountered before with different firearms. 5 seems to be a difference in slide lockup between dropping a round in the chamber and running the slide forwards and having the slide strip the round from the magazine. Have encountered with several pistols. Easy fix, let slide strip round then remove mag and add another round. I was always told never to simply let the slide drop on an empty chamber of a 1911 can damage extractors. Not sure if this hold true with a round in the chamber. ,

6 I have encountered and it went away with a bit of use. Something with spring tension from a loaded brand new magazine against the slide.

Have sort of encountered 1 on several used Makarov maagazines without hammer falling, the hammer stayed locked back when slide did not and went forwards. New magazine springs solved the issue. Never happened again.

Sounds though like yours might need attention of a professional kind.
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