
1911 Series 70 vs Series 80 what's the best?


Self appointed Chief Armorer
Staff member

Over the years a number of changes have been made to the 1911 platform. Today we have 1911s and 2011s, and among those guns there are Series 70 and Series 80 designs.

Consider this your crash course in the differences between 70s and 80s and whether it really matters.


Part of the requirements of the military’s 1906 pistol trials had to do with the gun’s safeties. All guns submitted for the trials were required to have manual safeties and grip safeties which the M1911 has, as you know.

As the M1911 saw greater use changes were made. In 1924 the mainspring housing was redesigned with an arch and the grip safety tang was lengthened. After those changes, the military renamed it the M1911A1.

Then, in the 1970s, came the lawsuits. Firearms manufacturers were being sued at rather dramatic levels, so the manufacturers decided to change up the 1911 platform.

Series 70 Vs. Series 80
Most people think of the difference between a Series 70 and Series 80 1911 as being all about the safety. It’s true that seems to be the most noteworthy change made but there was more.

Oh, and the Series 70 was not the original M1911 platform or the M1911A1 it was the result of decades of changes and improvements. The safety is the most commonly discussed and noteworthy change, though.

The Series 80 was created by changing the Series 1970 firing pin safety (or lack thereof). Those changes meant the gun wouldn’t fire until the trigger was completely pressed back.

This was accomplished by adding a firing pin block that could only be moved out of the way by the aforementioned trigger press.

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