
T-62 Tank — Cold War Soviet MBT Returns to Combat

Worked with a Kuwaiti armor unit for a few years. They had Yugoslav M84 MBTs and BMPs for the mech guys. It should be noted this purchase of the equipment came with Serb maintenance crews as part of the deal. The M84 is a T72, and it is a POS. The bimps also garbage death traps as the fuel cells are in the troop doors in the rear of the vehicle. Their original track equipment was British built and all that was smoked when Iraq went south and invaded them. But the Kuwaitis put up a good fight with the Chieftains' knocking a lot of Iraqi vehicles before they ran out of gas and ammo. Those same troops we worked with for a few years but I never asked them how they liked the soviet designed stuff compared to the Brit equipment. There where two divisions of soviet armor laid out in Medina Ridge courtesy of the Abrams MBT. Didn't see any T62s. Lots of BMPs, T55s and T72s, all turned into scrap metal.
- a revolutionary smoothbore gun which couldn't depress far enough for the tank to get into a good hull down position (a feature, not a glitch for Soviet tanks).
- the gun would go into loader's detent, that is, would elevate to lower the breach so the next round could be loaded. Theoretically, the fire control would keep the sight on the target during this process, but rarely worked.
- ammunition QC sucked. Good luck trying to even zero the damn thing.
- crew height restriction of 5'6"

Foreign militaries, eg, the Northern Alliance preferred the upgraded T-55.

Eventually, even the Soviets admitted this tank was a failure. And that's saying something.