
Does This Supplement (or Replace) Your Pistol?

not replaces, but can supplement to the edc fitup.
If I asked "what is the most important tool to have control of if you can't go armed?" What would well trained individuals probably tell you. Your brain and how it has been conditioned. When you go somewhere do you take note of your surroundings and try to identify hazards/problems. If the answer is yes do you also scan for alterative weapons to be used in a pinch. If not you have some work to do. The work is called conditioning.
Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Does This Supplement (or Replace) Your Pistol?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/does-this-supplement-or-replace-your-pistol/.

It does replace contrary to all the other opinions here, especially when I travel overseas to places as in Europe , or the UK, where guns are not allowed even if you try to check them with the airline beforehand, as you would in the States. I always carry a small (6”) Surefire tactical flashlight in my backpack with the serrated and very sharp edges on the front lens. I not only have the power of instantaneous blinding white light, or strobe light, to temporarily blind any threat, but if they get close enough a stab with this light to the face or neck is almost as impactful as a bladed weapon. I have been carrying this light all over the world for the past 20 years and have never been challenged by TSA or any other airport security agency whilst carrying it. BTW, knives of any kind are not allowed in Europe or the UK either even in checked baggage, and if they find them they will be confiscated and possibly fine you as well. The tactical flashlight is a great defensive tool under these circumstances.
It does replace contrary to all the other opinions here, especially when I travel overseas to places as in Europe , or the UK, where guns are not allowed even if you try to check them with the airline beforehand, as you would in the States. I always carry a small (6”) Surefire tactical flashlight in my backpack with the serrated and very sharp edges on the front lens. I not only have the power of instantaneous blinding white light, or strobe light, to temporarily blind any threat, but if they get close enough a stab with this light to the face or neck is almost as impactful as a bladed weapon. I have been carrying this light all over the world for the past 20 years and have never been challenged by TSA or any other airport security agency whilst carrying it. BTW, knives of any kind are not allowed in Europe or the UK either even in checked baggage, and if they find them they will be confiscated and possibly fine you as well. The tactical flashlight is a great defensive tool under these circumstances.
To my way of thinking shining a light on someone is just giving them a beacon to shoot at. The flashlight has yet to be invented that could serve as a replacement for an adequate defensive sidearm. If you cannot be properly armed then the next best form of self-defense is a good pair of running shoes and the training and conditioning to use them. As to visiting the UK or Europe, there isn’t a single thing in any one of those places that would induce me to weaken my right to defense as a condition of visiting. The world has become a very dangerous place. My travel agenda is restricted to those locales where it’s legal to be properly armed.
I enjoyed the article because it works! With people and predators, I carry my super bright blinding light in my hand, my pistol in its holster. I have mounted extremely bright lights at quick access in the vehicles, along with external fire extinguishers. These are things people use quickly, and without thought, most have never engaged in a situation requiring their EDC so talk, is a hope, not what usually happens. Not everyone can function under pressure, and they need simple.
Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Does This Supplement (or Replace) Your Pistol?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/does-this-supplement-or-replace-your-pistol/.

There are places we go, such as the opera or concerts, where we have to pass through metal detectors at the entrance. In those cases, I have a Streamlight tucked into my jacket inner pocket. In addition to being handy if the need arises to traverse a dark stairwell in the parking garage, it has the ability to disorient a BG so I can implement a Plan B (GTFO of the area and /or get the vehicle and it's safe). Its it a replacemt for a firearm? Of course not, but it certainly qualifies as a supplement to one, in my opnion.
I've been carrying a tactical flashlight I got through the NRA years ago. I don't remember how much lumens or candlepower it is, but I can tell you it will blind someone long enough for you to either extract yourself from the situation or allow you to use other defensive means. Like the old saying goes, "Don't leave home without it". And yes, it does work just as good in the daytime. Does it replace my 1911? Hell no, but it sure as hell beats a sharp stick in the eye when I can't have that familiar hunk of steel on my hip!