
Learn How to Draw a Pistol — Easy Steps Needed to Save Your Life

The only comment here is the first photo, that firearm is pointed at something rather important - one mistake and its Eunuch time. I don't put my pistols there - plenty of other spots on the body. Just sayin
The only comment here is the first photo, that firearm is pointed at something rather important - one mistake and its Eunuch time. I don't put my pistols there - plenty of other spots on the body. Just sayin
It’s the only place I put my pistols these days. Contrary to popular belief shooting yourself on draw from 3:00 is gonna F you up pretty good too. Moral of the story ? Same old same old. Keep your finger and everything else out of the trigger guard and you’ll be fine.
each to their own - I carry full size - elsewhere on the body is for me, a much better choice.
Everything ain’t for everybody. I was merely pointing out the fallacy of the “ Don’t point the Glock at the c@@k” excuse. OWB at 3:30 for me in jacket weather. Anything IWB is going to be appendix. Much faster and doesn’t print under a t-shirt.
Good article; very straight-forward with no fluff. The photo depicting the woman checking her phone in what looks like a ghetto in Gaza has “victim” written all over her…….. may as well be carrying a sign. Don’t be that person.

To begin with I do my best to avoid situations and places that put me at “bad breath distance” from aggressors. If I find I must be in such a place my sidearm is going to be in my hand (to the extent that is possible) so the draw will have already occurred.