Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “CRKT CEO Knife Review” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/crkt-ceo-knife-review/.

I understand your concerns, Sld. Lefties get the short end of ambidextrous stick sometimes. The quality is very good on this little knife, though. Thanks for your comment!Nice looking blade. Not into saying a tool is sexy, but if such things can be considered so, that would be a sexy knife.
It also looks to be very effective for, well, given todays age of zealous prosecutors and ambulace chasing attorneys, lets just say letters beware, that is one sleek effective looking letter opener.
If quality is on par with other CRKT special projects i have looked at, it is one of the nicer gun manufacturers branding of accessories. I would even consider buying one if it were other than a liner lock and was ambi opening, neither are optimal for us sinister, or left handed, types.
Yeah, bilateral symmetry does not mean equal…Looks great, if you're right handed. Not so much for us lefties.
With a sound knowledge of anatomy.Looks like it could cause a MAJOR leak if deployed with precision.
Absolutely!looks like a nice little knife. CEOs, well the ones of midsized firms and up to global giants, all have armed escorts so they don't really need to carry per se, but, the handiness of a small folder like this is useful.
But of course, particularly the inner thigh among others.With a sound knowledge of anatomy.
It’s actually solid for a diminutive EDC.Looks a tad thin, but the quality of the CRKT knife I own is top notch and definitely recommend them.
Size matters?It’s actually solid for a diminutive EDC.
Carotid, subclavian, brachial, radial, femoral… I’m sounding like Doc Dabbs.But of course, particularly the inner thigh among others.
It is a sweet little EDC, HDT08.That looks great!