The Armory Life
Welcome to The Armory Life Forum. This auto-generated thread is for discussing The Armory Life article titled Is This Your First Gun? which can be found at

My first XD was a 4" service model in .45 acp. It was accurate AND reliable. After about 11,00 rounds through it, I retired it and purchased the 10mm in 4.25". After several hundred rounds through it, I am very happy to say it rests in my hip every time I leave the house. I feel well protected and well armed for anything i encounter throughout my day. My next purchase just may be the Hellcat...I've been looking for a pocket 9mm. I'll keep you informed.Welcome to The Armory Life Forum. This auto-generated thread is for discussing The Armory Life article titled Is This Your First Gun? which can be found at
Your dad's pistol sounds like a great piece to be passed down through the family.My first is my dad's first - a 1952 Colt 4" OP .38 revolver that he carried with him in Korea (Cdr-USN/Ret). 97-98% condition, numbers match. Hand-carved, monogrammed ivory grips that he had done while overseas, still have the original Colt box, the original manual/pamphlet, and the business card for the shop who made the grips. It was a gift from his FBI brother, before he shipped out for his four campaigns overseas, on the Essex.
The safe also has my .308 rifle; my 12ga pump placed in the house; and the XDs is my first true "carry" pistol. Once I get a rental property sold and my budget recovers, I'll be adding to the 'family'...really want to try out a Hellcat!
My first firearm was a Marlin rifle in .22LR, which I still have after 25 years. I did not do any research in my purchase it was solely based on price. Now I do research and try to shot the gun before I buy. Which is much more easier to do thanks to rentals at gun ranges. The Hellcat is on my radar right now. Read many articles and watched some of the 10K round shoot test video.
True Maks_Ameau. When I went to Cabela's to purchase my 2 first time guns, all I did was a bit of research on each after some people told me about these two guns. I never went to a range before, in fact I never even fired a gun before (other than My Crossman single shot pellet pistol). After my purchase, I took a leasson at the local range to make sure I knew about saftey & the other preliminaries of owning a firearm. It was there that I saw that they rent firearms for use (as well as ear & eye protection if you did not have these either).Nice article. Research is key. I liked the way the author went to the range and shot different pistols before he made his choice. I did that with my wife, it works well. For me however, I did not know you could rent pistols at gun ranges when I purchased mine. I am sure the salesman in the gun shop new you could but he didn’t share it with me. Probably didn’t want to lose a sale to some kid that didn’t know any better. Water under the bridge...