Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Ayoob: Is Your Trigger Finger Placement Wrong?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/trigger-finger-placement/.

Flat face trigger facilitates this for me.Over the years I’ve trained my right MBCF “Main Booger Chaser Finger” (Index Finger) to not bend at the last joint when I place the pad on a trigger. It’s something I learned from one of our instructors at Sniper Orientation Course.
Successfully completing the course was a requirement before I was allowed to go to sniper school. I’ve used the technique ever since.
I talk to my pistol too.My hands are yuge, my finger won't fit in the... Naw, it is amazing even after a half century of firing handguns and even rifles I guess, I am still trying to know "exactly" where to put the booger hook... Hell, even find my thumb migrating to the opposite side of the stock during long range shooting. All said, I guess I will always be searching for proper finger placement. Or that is what she said anyway...