
24 New Handguns for 2020

FYI everyone ..... I had an opportunity to handle and field strip a new Shield easy 9 yesterday. My ex wife bought one and wanted me to show her how to take it apart , clean it , and put it back together.

What a fun day I had. :rolleyes: Ok , so she brings it over and I go over the safety details of the pistol. Show her the proper steps to go through before starting to take apart and clean. I have to say this gun is very easy to work with in most regards. Slide is very easy to rack , the trigger is nice , and the take down lever is easy to move into position.

So I go through the steps to disassemble it and then start to put it back together so she can try it while I watch. As I am starting to put the slide back on the frame , I tell her " be careful not to depress the grip safety as you do this ." Well everything went to hades right about then. Aparently I slightly depressed the grip safety as I was pushing the slide home and it locked up tight as can be. It wouldn't budge either direction. Well I said a few bad words , she said a few bad words and then said , what you gonna do now. SMH!!! I call a friend of mine who has a gun smithing shop and took it to him. He was able to get the slide back off and everything was good to go again.

So we come back to my place so I could clean the gun for her and show her where to lube it and all and then I started putting it back together . Well when I put the slide on I can't get it to go all the way back so I can push the slide lock up. I'm thinking now what. LOL. Well good old S&W has 2 flat sides and 2 rounded sides on the recoil spring assembly. The flat sides have to be towards the outside of the frame and I was off just a tad bit. Fixed that and it was back in operation.

I should add that my ex has been around and shot guns since 1981 but it has always been a revolver .