Hello all, here is an article for discussion that was previously posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Hammer vs. Striker: Which Do You Need? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/hammer-vs-striker-which-do-you-need/.

I had an H&K P7 M-13 & M-8 Squeeze Cockers it took a while to get use to them but they were accurate I sold them when money got tight in 1986 or 87. I was told it was the sidearm of the New Jersey State Police .I own several strikers, but there’s only one I like to carry—the P7.
Otherwise, for carry, I prefer hammers.
That's ok, the rest of us will be eyeing up the redheadI dont mind either way.
I shop for quality and reliability.
Its tough to choose between and blonde and a brunette
I purchased the XDe 4.5 inch and I love it. Not comfortable carrying it though. Still getting the muscle memory down: draw, safety, loooonggg pull, reaquire, short pull. Used to the simplicity of the striker fire. I carry with one in the chamber (here’s the opportunity to tell me I’m nuts), and am comfortable with the safeties inherent in the XDs and XD (grip, trigger).
Just a matter of getting used to it. Got all summer. It’s a fall/winter carry. I think.
I agree no round in the chamber spells disaster if you need to deploy your weapon quickly in an emergency.Personally, I’m of the firm belief you’re nuts if you DON’T carry with a round chambered; otherwise, you don’t have a firearm, you have a short, ineffectual club that might, given time and opportunity, be made into a functional firearm.
Your not nuts. In a gunfight seconds matter.I purchased the XDe 4.5 inch and I love it. Not comfortable carrying it though. Still getting the muscle memory down: draw, safety, loooonggg pull, reaquire, short pull. Used to the simplicity of the striker fire. I carry with one in the chamber (here’s the opportunity to tell me I’m nuts), and am comfortable with the safeties inherent in the XDs and XD (grip, trigger).
Just a matter of getting used to it. Got all summer. It’s a fall/winter carry. I think.
In this video there is one problem. We should see the coroner removing the assaulter after the cashier pulls his firearm AND pulls the trigger. Customer pulls gun on cashier. Cashier should have dispatched him when he pulled that gun. Customer could have hip fired after cashier put his hand out and ruined his life.Your not nuts. In a gunfight seconds matter. View attachment 7100
Pretty much says it all! The reallity is that no gun owner/concealed carrier is "nuts" when it's all for the right reasons. Personal preference does play a part in every scenario, but certain aspects of it are a given.Personally, I’m of the firm belief you’re nuts if you DON’T carry with a round chambered; otherwise, you don’t have a firearm, you have a short, ineffectual club that might, given time and opportunity, be made into a functional firearm.