Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled How Do I Lock Back My Pistol Slide? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/how-do-i-lock-back-my-pistol-slide/.

With all the new gun owners this is a very good lesson.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled How Do I Lock Back My Pistol Slide? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/how-do-i-lock-back-my-pistol-slide/.
You mean unlock the slide using the slingshot method right?I lock the slide back using the "slingshot" method. That's the way I was taught in the Army on the M1911A1, and taught this method to my family when I introduced them to semiauto handguns. Even my "tiny" daughter can run a full-size 1911 this way. I also teach a modified version where you place all five fingers and the pad of the thumb on the slide [thumb forward], which gives you more gripping pressure. Of course this all depends on personal preference and other physical factors/limitations. Great suggestion to use the empty magazine method.
Wow, I am totally of topic here. My apologies. I use the overhand grip to lock the slide for maintenance or loading the first magazine at the range. This is definitely an unnatural action for sure.You mean unlock the slide using the slingshot method right?
What you mention above to clear the chamber is number 2 in my process, smart minds think alike.Same here. Only difference for me compared to Keystone is, I quick-rack the slide to clear any rounds in the chamber, left hand in a "pinch" hold at the rear of the slide (thumb pad and index finger knuckle on opposite sides of the rear portion of the slide). That's enough to flip a chambered round into the air, and runs zero risk of my hand forcing it back into the chamber if my hand position had the palm over the ejection port.
Finger off the trigger, right hand moves gun towards the ground while left hand catches the round. From there, right thumb pressure on the tab while racking with the left, to latch it back/open. For THAT one, my left hand does cover the ejection port...