Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Hellcat & the Mantis X10 Elite and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/hellcat-the-mantis-x10-elite/.

Sorry for not being on topic, I'm trying to find a holster for a hellcat ops swampfox sentinel redbot and viridian E series laser.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Hellcat & the Mantis X10 Elite and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/hellcat-the-mantis-x10-elite/.
I have been using the Mantis X10 on my Hellcat for dry fire training and recently started trying out the holster analysis. I would recommend practicing using the holster that you plan to use when carrying instead of getting a different holster for training. The gun will not fit in my prefered holster with the Mantis on the rail, so I attached it on the bottom of a spare magazine using the included MagRail adapter. The analysis is just as accurate. This is great because I can practice with my own holster and gun, dry or live fire, and get useful times and other data. The only downside is that the Mantis adds a little extra length at the bottom of the magazine. This can sometimes catch on my clothing when drawing, but it's not a big problem.I've been thinking about getting the Mantis for dry fire training, but obviously live fire is a huge feature as well. The question this great video put in my head: Do you have to get a special holster to be able to use the holster draw analysis features the X10 offers?
Hi Mike, I own a Hellcat OSP w/ a Shield Red Dot. Based on this review I ordered a Mantis X10 and their Laser Academy Standard kit yesterday. CoolFire Trainer is releasing a Hellcat version of their CO2 system in the next month or 2. I'm going to pick that up when it hits the market too.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Hellcat & the Mantis X10 Elite and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/hellcat-the-mantis-x10-elite/.