Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled The Anywhere Defense: Impact Weapon Tactics and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/the-anywhere-defense-impact-weapon-tactics/.

Committed and well practiced. It can be any weapon you can hold on to but you better know the right spots to hit someone with it and how to do that while blocking.You better be committed if you plan on using an impact weapon in defense of yourself so it's not taken and used against you. I've seen first hand on a few occasions of someone getting smashed with a bat, golf club, and other blunt instruments where the person getting hit didn't drop like they show in the movies and kept coming at the weapon wielder. Yeah the person that got hit was injured but with adrenaline or drugs running through ones system some people can still be a major threat and continue the fight.
Always defend yourself when necessary and use whatever reasonable means you need to in an unavoidable encounter but never walk into a bad situation because of ego.
I've trained for years and I earned an instructor rank in a Filipino fighting system I've also been in a fair share of street fights growing up and I still will not put myself in a bad situation if it can be avoided.
If you plan on getting formal self defense training do your homework and avoid the MC Dojos where they promise you death point striking or some magic juju chi power where you can affect someone with your thoughts.
Knees and legs are good places to start. Regardless of drugs/adrenaline/whatever...if there is no structure, they can't advance. I've had both a shattered femur (17 pieces), and a compound fracture tib-fib - without those support pieces, you ain't goin' anywhere, no matter what you're on! Same for a knee - if you can't control the hinge that supports your weight...you're either hopping (not very threatening, or efficient), or crawling.
Use YOUR adrenaline, and hit 'em HARD if you have to. Same as using a firearm - don't do it to "scare them off"; don't tap them to see if they give up. Do it to end the threat. Period.