Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Is an Empty Chamber Dangerous? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/is-an-empty-chamber-dangerous/.

If one chooses to carry with an empty chamber you better make yourself very proficient in Isreali Carry ....
The Theory And Practice Of Israeli Carry
Let's look at what Israeli Carry is, why it was originally taught to special forces and why many instructors consider the practice outdated today.www.ammoman.com
Perfect example I have posted before of why your hip gun has a round chambered: watch this video from S AfricaAyoob doesn’t even touch on the (faulty) assumption that you'll actually have a free hand to rack the slide...people always think a gunfight will follow a scenario they have fixed in their minds—that they'll have perfect situational awareness, that their antagonist will be “X” yards away (usually a number from 3 to 7), and they'll see the fight coming.
They never stop to consider what happens if the antagonist is, literally, on top of them before they can get their gun out and charged.