Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Ayoob’s SHTF .308 and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ayoobs-shtf-308/.

These Rock. I'm slender in size & shoot a lot of old large caliber rifles. My shoulder thanks me.I like my Savage .308 bolt-action rifle, and I love how lightweight it (with its polymer stock) is...until I fire it a few times.
Either I'm getting SUPER-soft in my old age, or it really has some kick to it. I either need to add some weight, or stick a pad on it. But if I need to reach out and touch someone, it's definitely a nice round. Super-consistent, and excellent stopping power.
Maybe once I'm done with my Jeep Grand Cherokee monthly payments in January, I can start socking some money away for some new long guns...hehe...
Man speaks my language !I also respect Mr. Ayoob's position on the SOCOM, but also would prefer my Scout with the longer barrel & greater ballistic performance, and less muzzle blast than the SOCOM.
But, that being said, I believe the FAL in it's Congo or PARA configurations is/are superior to the M1A for a SHTF .308 based on better egonomics, an adjustable and more durable gas system, and other features.
My .02
Man speaks my language !
Para FAL is the bomb .. currently building a Para configuration View attachment 11318
Doing my own ... for nowSend all those parts to Gunplumber aka Arizona Resppnse Systems
Arizona Response Systems – Firearm Manufacture, Repair, Restoration. Refinishing
Doing my own ... for now![]()
I really enjoy reading his articles and the scenario he laid out could obviously be a real life event if things get worse however I’m skeptical on one thing he brings up when he mentioned the round count in a shotgun compared to his Socom chambered in .308 so please correct me if I’m wrong but can you use a high capacity mag; 15, 20, 30 rounds in that rifle???Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Ayoob’s SHTF .308 and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ayoobs-shtf-308/.
I really enjoy reading his articles and the scenario he laid out could obviously be a real life event if things get worse however I’m skeptical on one thing he brings up when he mentioned the round count in a shotgun compared to his Socom chambered in .308 so please correct me if I’m wrong but can you use a high capacity mag; 15, 20, 30 rounds in that rifle???
Now I believe in the .308 for long distance that’s why I’ve kept my Savage AR10 MSR Hunter for the reach out and touch something capability and having the high round count magazine’s helps ensure I have enough for all the zombies.
I used to use their products on my compound bow to dampen vibration and noise.These Rock. I'm slender in size & shoot a lot of old large caliber rifles. My shoulder thanks me.View attachment 11298
They do make some good quality 25 rounders. Expensive and kind of cumbersome, as they start to get long. For distance engagement like he had discussed, 20's are okay. Best rule is, have friends. IF you are thinking of a car load or two of Antifa showing up in your driveway and you are alone (or wife and kids not super well trained,etc), a m249 probably won't help. They are going to flank you. Perhaps falling back to a more defensive position and having an m4 style rifle there wouldn't be a bad idea. I've looked at my rural scenario and have realized that I am SOOL (something out of luck) if I am alone. I also can not justify afterwards of engaging at 100 plus yards unless they do.You are correct. I dunno abou 30-round mags, but I've got a half dozen 20-round mags for my M1A. It sits in my safe next to my Century C308 (H&K91/G3) and both are very comparable rifles. The 20-round box mag for the M14 type is very stout, but pricey (why I don't own a couple dozen), while the 20-round box mag for the G3 is less sturdy, but very cheap, so I have lots of those. I enjoy shooting both of those rifles, but the edge would go to the G3 in a SHTF situation because it's shorter, has the pistol grip ergos, and a bunch of mags. But now that I've got the Saint .308, it beats 'em both.