Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Are Single-Stack Pistols Extinct? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/is-the-single-stack-extinct/.

Me too! Full size Kimber Stainless Steel Target II in 9mm (and I'm still planning on getting a RIA in either 9mm or 45 (maybe both), eventually)Can't be extinct since I just got another one.
With the technology and design improvements Springfield and SIG created, Single Stacks may become a secondary option in the CC gun race, but extinction isn't likely. My CC weapon for 25+ years was a Walther PPK/S. The only reason it was retired, was due to my aging eyes. I could no longer make out the sights in Low Light Drills and conditions, and sight modification to that pistol wasn't a feasible option, so a change was necessary. I ended up with the SIG P365, as the SA Hellcat hadn't hit the market at that time. Do I appreciate the 12 + 1 (or 13 + 1 round in the Hellcat) round vs 7 + 1 round increase? Sure, but it wasn't the major deciding factor in my choice to upgrade.
A buddy of mine, who is a Springfield fan (he owns several), carrie's an XD-S, and I asked him if he was considering a switch to the Hellcat. His reply was why? He's perfectly happy with his Single Stack Springfield.
I just don't see Single Stacks going the way of the Dodo. They may lose some popularity and market share, but they'll never totally become obsolete.
Yup, I as wellI have and carry both.