Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled 9mm Shootoff: XD-M vs. Hellcat and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/9mm-shootoff-xd-m-vs-hellcat/.

I think it is relevant.Two different platforms for two different uses so not really a realistic comparison.
You could always buy the Sig P320 subcompact X-change kit and swap out (then in) the FCU to the subcompact grip. The kit comes with the grip, Barrel and slide.Being late to the gun ownership party, I goofed and bought a full sized P320 with four extended magazines for my first gun. Obviously won’t be carrying that one. My Hellcat fits my hand well and I’m looking forward to carrying it everyday, once I get a holster and belt.
My wife may be rethinking her M&P EZ though. She said, heck with the little guns, I’ll carry that Sig!
Being late to the gun ownership party, I goofed and bought a full sized P320 with four extended magazines for my first gun. Obviously won’t be carrying that one. My Hellcat fits my hand well and I’m looking forward to carrying it everyday, once I get a holster and belt.
My wife may be rethinking her M&P EZ though. She said, heck with the little guns, I’ll carry that Sig!
The Sig P320 is perfect for home defense so nothing wrong with that gun.
You could always buy the Sig P320 subcompact X-change kit and swap out (then in) the FCU to the subcompact grip. The kit comes with the grip, Barrel and slide.
I have all the calibers of the Sig P320, and have many different grips and 2 X-Change kits. I bought the "Carry" 40, and got the X-Change kit to make that into a subcompact. The 9mm I bought as a subcompact already, and got the X-Change kit to make it into the "Carry" model if I so desire. I also bought the subcompact grip to make my P320 45 more concealable to carry. I really like the Sig P320. You can configure them several different ways and now companies are coming out with parts such as ported barrels and slides, threaded barrels, cut slides for optics etc.
But as an end note, I also have the Hellcat, Sig P365 and P365XL as Micro subcompacts (well at least the 1st two, XL has a longer slide & holds 15), and I'm currently carrying the Hellcat. So you can't go wrong with the Hellcat, but don't give up on the P320, you could always come back to it and configure it the way you like in the future, (depending if you get it back from the wife that is).
Well @Lchtus, to be honest I haven't yet shot the P365XL, but I have shot the P365 and Hellcat together. I found the P365 harder to pick up the front sight on follow up shots vs the Hellcat with the front yellow sight and rear U sight. My thought was that with the P365XL, I'd get a better sight picture and I also bought a Romeo Zero optic to provide additional help (aging eyes and all that). I liked firing both the Hellcat and P365, as both fit my hand fine, and figured the XL would feel similar as it also added the above pluses. So I'd say you and I are on the same track, as far as going a bit larger then the other two micro subcompacts.You see a big difference in shooting with the P365 vs P365xl? I was debating between the two, and ended up ordering an XL (I currently EDC a hellcat). I liked the feel of the P365XL when I held it in the LGS, and my friends 365 has always been great, but with the hellcat already I would go a little bigger with the XL.
You too @Lchtus, keep me posted when you get it some reps on the range and how you like it.Thanks @BET7 . I should get mine late next week, and with any luck hit the range. If the world just Calms down a bit. I have the same setup. Will move my RZ on the p365xl. Been looking at some rail adapters to turn the proprietary sig to a regular rail...have a leftover olight Valkyrie siting around.
happy shooting!