Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Would the Founding Fathers Have Banned 'Assault Weapons'?" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/would-the-founding-fathers-have-banned-assault-weapons/.

The point is that the founding fathers intended for there to be NO INFRINGEMENT. None. If a new repeating breechloader or a space age ray gun was invented, it is protected. Period.Honestly, that article is such a piece of fluff. I’ve seen more substantive content on Buzzfeed. So using that logic if they they understood repeating rifles then they could have extrapolated out to the Avenger 30mm cannon and the A-10 Warthog which is built around it.
Honestly, that article is such a piece of fluff. I’ve seen more substantive content on Buzzfeed. So using that logic if they they understood repeating rifles then they could have extrapolated out to the Avenger 30mm cannon and the A-10 Warthog which is built around it.
They knew of and endorsed the Girandoni air rifle, a military rifle which held 80 shots, which predates our Constitution, and was taken by Lewis and Clark on their journey to the Pacific, and was as instrumental as Sacagawea in their success and survival.I don’t dispute any of that I was simply commenting on the sophomoric level of that article, whose sole purpose was to elicit a “F- Yeah” response from we gun owners and make us feel warm and comfy wrapped in the comfort of the Constitution. Perhaps the Founding Fathers continually rejected the gun because they thought “You know this thing could be bad news in the wrong hands.”