Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Ayoob: Don’t Make These Carry Gun Mod Mistakes" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ayoob-dont-make-these-carry-gun-mod-mistakes/.

The issue I have is that just like every single person I have ever asked who claimed gun mods like trigger jobs would get you in trouble with an overzealous prosecutor, (and I have asked everyone I ever saw or heard say it), he fails to produce one example of it actually happening. He was quick to point out his credentials as to why we should believe him, but he never gave us any proof. Other than his word as a 40 year gun writer, tactical expert, blah, blah, blah.I have one issue with this article and that's in your comment about "if people believed you, you wouldn't be on trial"...in today's politically charged environment and the willingness of criminals and/or their families to sue the actual victim of their crimes for damages, being believed has almost absolutely zero to do with the fact of whether or not you're gong to be on trial. There are too many DA's trying to make a name for themselves with their liberal fanbase of gun-hating voters and million dollar donors, I find it naive to think otherwise!
One can debate here or there. Or there or here.
The defense, prosecutor, and jury have the final words.
just ask OJ Simpson.
until the gavel comes down, every subject is subjective
It depends where you live and how brainwashed the jury is there. How else anti-gun people get voted to those positions?Just one example of a trigger job or trigger mod getting an otherwise lawful SD shooter in trouble with a prosecutor.
No one is saying it isn’t possible. I’m saying when and where HAS it happened.It depends where you live and how brainwashed the jury is there. How else anti-gun people get voted to those positions?
This an example of legislator that makes gun-control laws using scare tactics to influence his voters:
If he was elected by the same people that would stand as jury in a trial, what do you think the outcome of that trial will be?
I am referring to the jury may toss the case laughing over a gun mod or take it as you tried to be premeditated.One single example. That's all I'm saying. Thousands of legitimate self defense shootings. Just one example of a trigger job or trigger mod getting an otherwise lawful SD shooter in trouble with a prosecutor.
The issue I have is that just like every single person I have ever asked who claimed gun mods like trigger jobs would get you in trouble with an overzealous prosecutor, (and I have asked everyone I ever saw or heard say it), he fails to produce one example of it actually happening. He was quick to point out his credentials as to why we should believe him, but he never gave us any proof. Other than his word as a 40 year gun writer, tactical expert, blah, blah, blah.
I'm willing to be proved wrong. In fact I'm begging to be proved wrong.
And for the record all my triggers are stock, so even though credentially I am no one, I have no dog in the fight.
I don't consider it a hair trigger until it's below 2oz. That's just me. My finger muscle twitch will fire anything around 2lbs, and over 5lbs is enough to become problematic for me. If you look at older factory 1911's the sear is chewed up and no matter how the springs are "tuned" and no matter how well the other fire control components are polished the sear will always be a weak link. A properly heat treated and polished FCG will result in a smooth 5lb trigger pull and should be good enough for a clean break and not break unexpectedly for majority. I like Ed Brown's FCGs no MIM stuff.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Ayoob: Don’t Make These Carry Gun Mod Mistakes" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/ayoob-dont-make-these-carry-gun-mod-mistakes/.
I feel like there is a disconnect in the perception of a well made clean 5lb trigger and a spongy gritty horribly made 5lb trigger. I agree with Mr. Ayoob in that a competition trigger should not be fielded as a carry or duty trigger. There are plenty of amazing duty grade triggers on the market that cover the bases and are leaps and bounds better than many OEM triggers. Some manufacturers do a better job on their OEM triggers and you can work with what came with it. I like my older XD triggers, long spongy but smooth and clean break. 1911 can be more challenging if the FCG components are soft and not heat treated properly.credentials - well, being an expert witness in untold cases is the best credential...
It can be hard to find what all statements were made by a prosecutor in every trial, including closing comments to help cast guilt.
What you CAN find is that SOP for processing a gun into evidence is to test the the trigger pull in pretty much any jurisdiction you can find, and that national forensic guides call for it. So that evidence IS AVAILABLE in every case.
So in comes down to 1) that evidence is available 2) a prosecutor will use anything they can to get a conviction.
So even if you can't find a record of it, do you really want to be the first? Prosecutors are getting more and more savvy on how to get convictions and how to pick on aspects of guns (lots of help from teh gun control organizations). Why give them ammunition to use against you? Are you willing to gamble against the advice of the expert witness your counsel will try to hire?
"Yes, Mr. Ayoob, you have made compelling testimony on distances and threats, but what is your opinion on the defendant having modified his gun with a hair trigger to make it easier to shoot? How are these hair triggers treated by law enforcement agencies for their duty guns? If it is not recommended for law enforcement PROFESSIONALS with years of training, what kind of person would do that? " How will have to answer honestly and you have just turned your expert witness into THEIR expert witness.
In most highly populated areas of this country the odds of getting a juror that has any clue about this topic is extremely small. Even that occasional shooter gun owner "Humm, yeah, I worry about accidentally pulling the trigger myself, what type WOULD want a hair trigger?"
It's only your freedom and everything you and your family own and will own that you are gambling with. If you can't shoot accurately enough with a stock trigger weight at defense distances, you 1) need to practice more 2) maybe shouldn't own a gun.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Every law enforcement agency I ever had anything to do with prohibited removing any factory safety devices from issued firearms. I would never own a gun that has had a device removed. If you didn't like the design, you got a different gun. Not to say that some officers who were authorized to carry personally owned weapons didn't do the modification.Browning Hi Power magazine safety or S&W?
Same boat? Was trying to research what Federal agencies did with theirs , keep or remove?