Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "When Is Using Your CCW a Mistake?" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/when-is-using-your-ccw-a-mistake/.

Excellent message Hayes.Some good advice here. It's always best to avoid trouble if at all possible. I often get the question from students, "can't I just show them my gun or point it in their direction?" My answer is a resounding NOOOOOOOOOO! In Florida, you may very well find yourself being charged with aggravated assault or exhibiting a weapon "in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, and not in necessary self-defense.” Unless you are justified in USING deadly force, you can't THREATEN deadly force. Once you have pulled the gun, you are out of other options. In simple terms, if you are not going to shoot it, don't pull it.
Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "When Is Using Your CCW a Mistake?" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/when-is-using-your-ccw-a-mistake/.
Similar advice to what someone told me long ago (or words to this effect)...Some good advice here. It's always best to avoid trouble if at all possible. I often get the question from students, "can't I just show them my gun or point it in their direction?" My answer is a resounding NOOOOOOOOOO! In Florida, you may very well find yourself being charged with aggravated assault or exhibiting a weapon "in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, and not in necessary self-defense.” Unless you are justified in USING deadly force, you can't THREATEN deadly force. Once you have pulled the gun, you are out of other options. In simple terms, if you are not going to shoot it, don't pull it.
Hayes............Perhaps you were in MP school in 1964.......as to use of the sidearm the instructions were, "if you pull it, you better use it! Draw for show of force or any other reason than to pull the trigger was a huge NO NO.Some good advice here. It's always best to avoid trouble if at all possible. I often get the question from students, "can't I just show them my gun or point it in their direction?" My answer is a resounding NOOOOOOOOOO! In Florida, you may very well find yourself being charged with aggravated assault or exhibiting a weapon "in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, and not in necessary self-defense.” Unless you are justified in USING deadly force, you can't THREATEN deadly force. Once you have pulled the gun, you are out of other options. In simple terms, if you are not going to shoot it, don't pull it.
I agree with your statement here.In simple terms, if you are not going to shoot it, don't pull it.
Very well put. I'll try for any and all outs from a situation before I think about pulling my firearm. What did Mr. Miyagi say....something to the effect of "Best defense against a punch, don't be there." That's how I try to think about situations. I'm about as boring as a slice of toast as far as my lifestyle and that's the way I like to keep it. Don't put yourself in a bad position to begin with is the best defense imho.Similar advice to what someone told me long ago (or words to this effect)...
If you draw your firearm, be prepared to use it.
If you use your firearm, use it to shoot.
If you shoot your firearm, shoot to kill (although these days, some may say "shoot to end the fight.")
The moral of the story was once you draw, you better be prepared to go all the way.
....avoid bingo night, those ladies are tough and mean!I agree totally with what you said, I would be interested in what options you have as a senior citizen who may be targeted just because of age, gait, or perceived weakness. I don't need a cane yet and I never was a fighter but I would be concerned as to what someone would have to do to avoid confrontation even after you did all you could do. ie. stay out of "shady" areas, be the gray man, don't try to escalate any verbal confrontation.
John Wick wore a nice suit.....avoid bingo night, those ladies are tough and mean!
Seriously, act/be confident, know where you've been, where you are and know where you're going helps.
Try to blend in, wearing a 3 piece suit or blue jeans in right or wrong place matters on how a person is treated.
I like boring. I kind of treat concealed carry like driving... I just assume the other drivers are going to do something stupid and therefor I'm not surprised when they do and already have a plan to avoid them.Good video.
Very well put. I'll try for any and all outs from a situation before I think about pulling my firearm. What did Mr. Miyagi say....something to the effect of "Best defense against a punch, don't be there." That's how I try to think about situations. I'm about as boring as a slice of toast as far as my lifestyle and that's the way I like to keep it. Don't put yourself in a bad position to begin with is the best defense imho.
Agree with your post….One should be careful to know the rules in each state. My wife can, in KY, carry brass knuckles and a blackjack with her Illinois concealed carry license. In Illinois, carrying those items would be a felony despite the fact she is carrying a gun legally.
Granted that many gun toters are younger males who are able to study and practice martial arts, there are also those of us who despite having studied and learned physical tactics who can no longer run away or win a physical fight without a firearm. Frankly knocking a 70+ year old to the ground could be deadly without any further action. There is the legal principle of matched abilities. I would expect my 5'2" 73 year old wife to still (hopefully) to shoot the aggressor before they could land a punch even if they didn't have a gun. I would also expect our State's Attorney would never charge her with anything.
Yeah idk what happened to respect your elders. I thought the same thing after I typed my response, I am not as young as I once was.One should be careful to know the rules in each state. My wife can, in KY, carry brass knuckles and a blackjack with her Illinois concealed carry license. In Illinois, carrying those items would be a felony despite the fact she is carrying a gun legally.
Granted that many gun toters are younger males who are able to study and practice martial arts, there are also those of us who despite having studied and learned physical tactics who can no longer run away or win a physical fight without a firearm. Frankly knocking a 70+ year old to the ground could be deadly without any further action. There is the legal principle of matched abilities. I would expect my 5'2" 73 year old wife to still (hopefully) to shoot the aggressor before they could land a punch even if they didn't have a gun. I would also expect our State's Attorney would never charge her with anything.
In today's society, it seems to be that the most with any appreciable amount of common sense are in fact older. Unfortunately not much we can do about that ...... except be vigilant.Yeah idk what happened to respect your elders. I thought the same thing after I typed my response, I am not as young as I once was.